Fostering kittens for my sins

Authoritarians do not care what is said. They care about who says it.

She’s lying about the other offer.  It’s a boogeyman to pressure you into closing before you’re ready.

I believe that perjury charges are underutilized against officers that engage in unreasonable behavior. The written report that these officers submitted is objectively fiction.

Goldman Sachs pays Heidi an enormous quantity to be close to Ted’s ear and wish that it was further from the rest of him. Maybe the squirrel gets a similar deal from Blue Diamond.

It’s an improvement.

Yes, but much more so in the hands of someone with absolutely zero respect for that fact. This is a very simple device, and he couldn’t be bothered with any familiarization whatsoever.  It never ceases to amaze me that states that catch fire on a regular basis just let the general public buy millions of these things

It’s compensation.  Salmon ejaculate almost immediately and then go belly up.

Wouldn’t he have been able to drop the beast into neutral with the other foot?

You’ll need to do better than that, tovarisch.

Considering the current administration’s penchant for criminal activity, a cop seems like something we will need. Pretending everything was okay after Shrub’s tenure has left very large tooth marks on America’s nether regions.

For a lawyer, President Obama had an amazing lack of faith in prosecution.

Well, you mean besides the scar that hurts when it rains? Or the need to bite my tongue when the well-meaning wish me a “Happy Memorial Day”? Most of my fellow Americans moved on from Iraq because they never paid attention to it in the first place.

Ask yourself what sort of young person would like to put “worked closely with President Trump” on their resume for the rest of their career and it may make more sense.

I’d never seen this test until I got sucker punched with a Volkswagen (insert texting and driving sermon). Does it strike you as odd that it would be given to a healthy patient? It seemed to me like the primary purpose of the test was to determine if I had enough remaining brain power to be left alone without adult

Anecdotally, we haven’t had any problems adopting out black cats. Somewhat the opposite, if anything. Adoption of any given kitten seems to be a combination of public demand, how well they handle strangers in public, and their online photographs.

Silly me, 25 years of internet exposure has caused me to assume typos. In typical human fashion, I snarl at Google when it does the same.

I’ve taken the test a time or three because I am literally brain damaged (don’t text and drive, kids - the rest of us are still out here). It is a test to determine if the subject can be left alone without adult supervision.

My local Safeway carries it in the produce section as cilantro, but it apparently also goes by chinese parsley, dhania, and coriander. The military commissary also carries it, but theirs isn’t very good.  I believe Koreana carries it, but that’s a faded memory and I only went to their produce section for kimchi.

I’ve dined at the sort of establishment where the dress code included a firearm. It seemed reasonable at the time because the patrons were all collecting combat pay. I don’t see the appeal, other than some performative defiance of the gun grabbing straw man. As a practical matter, a work wardrobe gun pretty much goes