Fostering kittens for my sins

This is a link to NPR’s tracking data. It can be broken down by state, both absolute and per capita. It answers a lot of questions, but not pleasantly.

For a second there I was desperately hoping that CDC had recommended the dope-slapping of science deniers.

Suze Orman sells financial “self-help” books to suckers.  Your assessment pretty much covers her published body of work.

Well, it does prove that he won’t burst into flame if he sets foot on Holy Ground, so there’s that.  Still haven’t seen him cast a reflection, though.

In a former life I taught unarmed combat and assorted grappling techniques to military personnel (women find it rather empowering when they learn how to fling a man twice their size over their shoulder). There are essentially two ways to strangle a mammal. The first is compressing the airway, which can and usually

A reasoned disagreement isn’t disrespect, just a difference in perspective. You seem like an intelligent, educated person who works with other intelligent, educated people. I’m a former knuckle-dragger whose uniform and pale skin seemed to be taken as license for otherwise “respectablefolks to tell me all the

I’m familiar enough with Krispy to know that Bruce has a permanent home now. I don’t always get to him what with one thing and another.

My county shelter literally keeps animals under better sanitary conditions than that.

And a gentleman would have pardoned the guy. That looks like the most fun W. ever had at a press conference.

The oil gets cited as a reason. It was there, and gives chickenhawks the opportunity to say something about “realpolitik” and pretend to be smart, never mind that it’s about as legitimate a defense as “look how she was dressed. But the timing of the war (keeping in mind that Iraq hadn’t done anything out of the

As a veteran of the Mesopotamian Unpleasantness, I find the rehabilitation of “Dubya” and his “heckuva job” administration more than a bit disconcerting. He literally started a land war in Asia to look strong in front of the rubes when his double-digit IQ Intel services (the folks who thought Gitmo and Abu Ghraib were

I’m not sure how delivery is working where you are, but Amazon sold me a pound of yeast for $10. Le Saffre gold label should work well for pizza dough. This is a delusional quantity of yeast at one teaspoon per loaf of bread, but it solved my shortage issues for the foreseeable future at trivial cost. Except for the

I did the math on martial law a while back because it keeps getting mentioned. Uncle Sam can scrape together maybe a million ground troops by mobilizing every active duty and reserve soldier and Marine, plus federalizing the National Guard. A third of those ground troops are actually air wing. You could hand them

One is payment received for services rendered, per contract terms. The other is unsolicited interaction with random strangers who want to feel good about themselves. I fail to see the connection.

It’s from “Singin’ in the Rain”, of all things.

The thing about law enforcement being so obsessed with phone tracking is that an aspiring criminal can put the phone in the dog’s collar and go off to pillage secure in the knowledge that the cell tower will testify that he was home and periodically moving around the house the whole time.

Whenever I hear about that, all I can think of is Lily Tomlin in 9 to 5:

It’s a bit worse than that. Attendance is a lawful (stupid, dangerous) order from the Commander-in-Chief. Failure to do so is a crime, punishable by a Court Martial. It probably wouldn’t go that far, but they would be jeopardizing everything that they’ve spent the last 4 very hard years working towards. There’s also

Ring Knockers are not noted for their self awareness.  Or much other awareness, really.