Fostering kittens for my sins

He has overstated the danger of swimming pools a bit. Drowning from all causes is less than 1% of that number.  3536 per year according to the CDC.


I grew up in Houston, where this shmuck was employed at his level of competence as the Channel 11 sports reporter. Now, this posturing imbecile’s been elected to the most powerful position in the state and The Summit is a Megachurch. If they take me back to Texas, they won’t take me back alive.

Libertarians are incapable of discerning that their doctrine is just feudalism in a Daisy Mae outfit. Strong critical thinking skills aren’t really their thing.

What do you think that the Space Force is for?

True Love is taking a dead rat to the face at zero-dark-thirty and breaking out the treat bag.

The primary argument is that they should be able to turn them off for breaks. An 8-12 hour shift is a long time to go without a restroom, and nobody wants their lunch conversation recorded. But it’s set up in an easily abused fashion because these people have a hero complex that means only villains would question them

There’s probably a half decent Twilight Zone episode in there somewhere about an online influencer that starts turning all of society into himself.

The polite term is “monotreme”.

Partly to show that (Appropriate pronoun)’s a baby and not a really cute vertically challenged adult. And probably more than a little bit of a nod to “Lone Wolf and Cub”, because the Star Wars production crew loves their old samurai flicks.

I had to look it up, but Russia has universal health care. It runs about as well as anything else in Russia, but they have it.

They’re using the exact same excuses that Hostess made when they went under. None of those were true either. Hostess products are still being sold at a profit, just by someone else. I strongly suspect that a really big company (oligarchy sized) in a mature industry has a glass floor problem. People got into the C

Billionaires learned that the government of the United States is weak, spineless, and represents no obstacle to their activities, no matter how egregiously illegal. Uncle Sam will even provide them with a glass floor to keep them rich and powerful if they should happen to make bad decisions that lose their money. They

I’ve seen that haircut before.

I’m kinda tired of reporters repeating the lie about Warren’s “charisma”. She’s been in front of cameras and microphones for a good portion of the last 15 years, more or less since she published “The Two-Income Trap” in 2004. The assorted media outlets would not have given her so much air time if she wasn’t able to mak

One linguistic curiosity that I came across during my military service was that people’s accents, often muted in professional circumstances, get considerably thicker when they talk about home.  Or when it’s not the first beer.

That’s called a Regulation Z disclosure. It seems clear to me, but I am wrong, because I have attempted without success to explain them on multiple occasions to otherwise entirely functional adults. It looks like this:

I’m sure that Shrub likes Ellen because she reminds him of Mom.