Fostering kittens for my sins

What does a jarligator use for huscarls?

Because I would prefer to not look to Iceberg Slim for a labor relations model.

The motivation was undoubtedly to simply feed the kids; either to save them from lack of breast milk or because it was easier or just not to deal with their sharp, painful little teeth. But saving the ones that would otherwise die would have a similar effect to having more - a penny saved is a penny earned and all

The US is blaming Iran because the Houthis do not have the capability to build and deploy the weapons used. Iran (understandably) got really interested in sending weapons and advisors into nearby countries when the US (less understandably) started invading all of their neighbors. When I was in Iraq they were

There seems to have been a high correlation between the increase in traffic fatalities and smartphone market penetration. Am I correct on that or did I get the math wrong somewhere?

Vape pens are popular in the military because you can use them in places like inside a vehicle or next to explosives where smokes are unwelcome. They also have lot less in the way of logistics (no spit cup, no butts, no wastage when you have to go do something else in a hurry). They’re not for me, but they seem to


My understanding is that that would be Nancy Pelosi. So yes, let’s do that then.

Something old, something new, something borrowed, and something Blue...

We had that here too.

As a benchmark, breakfast and lunch in a military mess hall will set you back $9.05 per day.

I’m not an attorney, but Accept our cruel punishment or we’ll do something worse to you” doesn’t pass the sniff test.

Do the words “McMartin Preschool” ring any bells?

Ted Cruz simply has an honest, fundamental belief that government leaders should receive their bribes through their spouses, as God and Clarence Thomas intended. Whatever Goldman Sachs pays Heidi to sleep with that guy, it ain’t enough.

While I cannot pretend to know the motivations of the irredeemably creepy and terminally stupid, there would be very few sailors still serving that remember all-male crews on troop transports. Women began serving on US Navy surface vessels in 1978.

You are what you eat...

Something that seems to get lost in the shuffle on Puerto Rico is that for some reason, 21 states with smaller populations get to vote and they do not. They have more people than Utah, and twice as many people as our other island paradise in Hawaii.  And zero votes.

Most of them do.

Joe Lieberman can’t glam it up all the time.

Bit late for that. Lanza murdered his mother to get the weapon, and was dead before any parents knew anything had happened. So you’d just be killing innocent people because they - what, exactly?