Fostering kittens for my sins

Same point that it always is with PETA - grabbing headlines to distract from their habit of murderizing every animal they get their self-righteous, hypocritical hands on.

They believe that child molesters can go to heaven.

I can’t help but feel that you’re making excuses:

Military expenditures are one sixth of the federal budget, one fifth if you count the VA. Not even close to the majority.  Which doesn’t mean that it isn’t more than we need.

I’ve always hated Dickens. I probably shouldn’t because of his enlightened views on social justice and the fact that his commercial success *infuriated* the stuffed shirts of the time.  But I just can’t get more than a few pages in, and never have.

Мой сладкий летний ребенок...

So did FLOTUS.

I feel that American gun culture is toxic. I don’t think that this is a good case for proving gun manufacturer liability. It was a legal weapon sold to a nominally responsible owner, whose son murdered her to get ahold of it. There’s a definite argument that the school’s physical security was inadequate, since a

We’re breeding the poor. A staggeringly disproportionate percentage of US births are paid for by Medicaid. Approximately 20% of the US population has Medicaid coverage, while 40%+ of births are to mothers on the program.

Einstein died of an abdominal aortic aneurysm at Princeton Medical Center in 1955.  No aircraft were involved.

There’s also the minor matter of bothering to look for said perpetrators in the first place:

I don’t know how law enforcement works where you are, so please don’t think I’m talking down to you. Sheriffs are in charge of a set of police officers, but they are elected, not appointed. So if the people that vote (which isn’t everybody - separate issue) resent certain kinds of enforcement, the sheriff will not

Well, they do have about twice as many American citizens as Mitch McConnell’s home state of Kentucky, and yet haven’t managed to scrounge up even one senator among them.

Medical error is the third leading cause of death in the United States.

The company that they’re complaining about *is* the government insurer.  American business and government subscribe to the magical thinking that outsourcing stuff that you do every day will somehow save costs, by having someone else do it and tack on overhead and profit.


I think that you’re essentially right, but rail doesn’t work very well here.

The last draftees reported for duty in June of 1973. The last prosecution for failure to register was in 1986. The last draftee in service retired in 2014 because he kept volunteering after the initial obligation. There effectively is no draft, but we could save a small but not entirely insignificant sum (about $25

I was a Marine.  He’s full of shit.

She was born in The Bronx.  She’s not an immigrant, she just gets treated like one.