Forza Pilot

Seriously get me on the payroll. I will lie for money too. Being a shill (for money) is not beneath me.

Stock tires. But let’s not mention that the Porsche is AWD/PDK, because transparency is only for losers, amirite?

Me: “Hello, Porsche marketing department? You need to see this comment from Give Me Tacos or Give Me Death on Jalopnik.”

Porsche needs to do an equivalent stunt where they race a Cybertruck against one of their cars, only... there’s snow on the ground.

Nixon started the war on drugs, but Nancy took it to a new level. 

“Just say no” was Nancy Reagan, not Nixon. Gen X remembers.

This just ticks so many boxes. Could also go with the Huayra or anything from Koenigsegg.

Vietnam is often pointed to as a more benign place to do business if you’re looking for low-ish wage labor in Asia. You know, without all the baggage of China with its wholesale persecution of huge numbers of minority populations and such. This is a neat reminder that Vietnam, despite having opened up to the world and

Never fuck a cop.

Plus, the bar was gay in Missouri. That’s an automatic lynching isn’t it? It allegedly probably will become such under new red state laws written by ALEC.

Destroy a person’s business and home, arrest that person for getting mad about it. Sounds about cop.

Hyperloop was always a bullshit vapourware.

Interesting, raising your voice is causing a disturbance but crashing your 5,500 pound SUV police cruiser through the front wall is apparently not.

Muddying the waters for low-information angry voters to feel ok voting for autocratic Christo-fascism and thinking that “both side are equally bad” crap fueled by the for profit media.

Honestly anyone who doesn’t think those are cool is kidding themselves. RWD, manual, very turbocharged, boxy styling with giant fender flares, popup headlights.....if you don’t think that’s the tightest shit then get out of my face

Streamers with “foods”, fuck off.

or to get the opportunity for an un supervised once over. make sure the offending “officers” didn’t leave anything too incriminating.

Perhaps the most disgusting news story I’ve read in a while; and there is a lot of disgusting shite going on these days.

100% guaranteed that someone in management moved the exhumation forward to avoid a negative PR event with crying relatives and annoying press coverage.

And when things do improve over 4 years under a Democratic president, they attribute it all to the new Republican President that just took office yesterday.