Forza Pilot

Fuck all cops. The police here have an MRAP they use when they play soldier, and I’m sure they paid a premium for it.

People are pissed about that too.

I live in the Dallas area, and I’ve given up talking politics with any of the people I know here. The amount of things these people don’t know is amazing.

They don’t understand how fracking tech has been driving oil production since 2008.

They don’t understand how record corporate profits are what’s actually driving

I personally think the best thing that could happen to Tesla is to have someone take out Elon. He can’t do anything more to help any of his companies, so his assassination would be the best move for all of his businesses.

From what I’ve seen she could have simply walked on the windshield to break it.


Wait, the Donald went down on Willie Brown???

1985 Datsun 300ZX

Yeah, it’s an unrealistic expectation, but still...

After reading your comment I get the impression you’re the owner of a car dealership.

I hope the dealership is put out of business over this. 

As an Aquarius who wasted my time on this list, I am insulted with your selection.


There are two types of cops: Bad cops and cops who cover for bad cops.

Fuck all cops.

No they would not, unless they were some knuckle dragging MAGA moron whose dad is also their brother.

Tell us Brian Kitso, what do the majority of Americans not get?

Guaranteed the cops are all lying about what happened. They cannot be trusted.

The Irishman was a horrible movie, and having it on this list negates any point the writer was trying to make.
