Instead of a backup camera, use the camera on the phone, dummy!
Instead of a backup camera, use the camera on the phone, dummy!
I think we just need to go back to double-din units so that people can do what they want instead of being locked-in to whatever design the OEM came up with.
Sensitive Reader Butthurt After Reading Article About Politician Requesting Special Treatment for Parking Ticket on Car Site.
Nah, Collin is right. This looks like cheap shit.
The one natural resource we will never run out of is stupid people. They have a self-replicating program operating. Dumb plus dumb (and some sexy time) produces a bunch of little dumbfucs who grow up, eventually cut the mullet off and vote for orange stains. And that my friends explain how MTG gets re-elected.
These nutjobs should get
The internet does a fantastic job of connecting people and spreading information faster and easier than ever before. As a consequence, the internet makes it faster and easier than ever before to believe almost anything you want.
Why do you think the Republicans want to get rid of the Department of Education?
But they created the electorate they have through underfunding of our education system and constantly attacking any legitimate news or information that they don’t agree with.
That’s why he’s not “in government.”
I vote for he knows he’s lying and doesn’t care.
I cannot begin to wrap my head around the beyond fucked up situation we are in. This is going to be a nightmare. The Goebbels wannabe, stephen miller, is already tweeting about quickly implementing parts of 2025- you know- that thing trump had never heard of- in the name of an aggressive denaturalization process. Yes.…
Donald Trump was not elected the editor of Jalopnik. I hope this helps.
This is such a letdown. I was planning on putting a deposit on one of these once they were released - my wife is up for a new car, she specifically wants an EV, she likes minivans, loves the styling of this, and she owns an arts + crafts store which would look great with this parked out front with a two-tone scheme in…
Well there are police wearing “I’m voting for the convict” shirts, so it shouldn’t be a surprise.
And these are the types screaming about stolen valor? Of course they are.
However, their presence was enough to lead Vance to call himself an “ally” of the auto industry while on stage, adding that, should Trump win in November, the administration will throw its support behind the American auto industry.
Imagine the Sh!#show if trump gets elected and appoints Musk to some sort of cabinet position.........
“Are they giving us the finger because we’re cops or because we’re in a Cybertruck?”