Forza Pilot

I like black wheels.

Looked terrible in 2009, looks even worse today.

Eh, I’m betting a majority of weaponized robots in the US will be deployed by cops against US citizens, rather than some kind of arms race with China.

I’m guessing he’s pretty quiet about gun violence.

That statement is standard R boilerplate. That can’t come up with original ideas, or political put-downs. Very stale. I can see the Capitol dome from my balcony, and I’m not part of “DC” political culture, but I consider myself well-read. Never heard of this guy either!

It is amazing how there apparently was never any crime during all Republican regimes.

This shill would’ve made the same vague, attacking statement if two people tripped over a rake that might have been shoplifted.

unfortunately most of the games were trash besides test drive le mans, MSR, and crazy taxi.

Test Drive Le Mans was so awesome. The actual progression of time and the ability to save when you pitted. Made for a great game. 

Nothing says “stuck in the past” like a gas-guzzling colonist icon knockoff SUV produced by a resource extraction and petrochemical pollution company.

Prepandemic, I bought a three year off lease Leaf for 11K. It is a great city car and I think everyone should go get a depreciated electric.

Whenever he says “I have a friend who...” or “People are saying...” it really just means he’s about to pull something out of his ass.

Donald Trump does not have a friend who owns a car that gets 38 mpg.

What I really think would make a lot of sense is for the feds to incentivize gas station owners (especially ones in more isolated areas) to install fast chargers. I know a lot of them are limited on space, but it would alleviate a lot of range anxiety if people knew that they could find chargers at the majority of gas

Honestly, I have to get this off my chest... my love of the automotive industry is what turned me away from the right-wing.

I was massively GOP for a long time, thanks to my father. He was a Limbaugh/Drudge/FoxNews addict. Otherwise a good, decent man, but a lifetime of believing right-wing propaganda. I, personally,

Came here to say this. This deserves all the stars.

volvos have this now too.  it’s pretty neat and seems to work pretty well, but I haven't had to wash off anything real gross yet.

They really are just a gang with a badge.

FWIW you couldn’t hose out the original Element either. I don’t know where that rumor started, but you will absolutely ruin your car by doing that and they are not designed for it in any way whatsoever.

Saab as a whole, but more specifically the 99 Turbo. Then put them back in Rally like nature intended.