Forza Pilot

My favorite Porsche color is Gelbgrun (yellow green). Sadly, it’s only available through Porsche PTS.

Volvo Polestar looks MUCH better:

I’d paint everything this color.

Charisma comes in small packages.

You have very low hopes and dreams to aspire to be a Texan.

Texas sucks.

was the 510 ever not cool?

You know, you could have easily said all that without being a dick.

Yeah the Evo is pretty ancient at this point, but it seems odd mentioning the STI without it.

The little engine that COULD!

I love this one:

I wonder what his tire pressure was.

Man, if your comment is to shit on another man’s pride and joy, you need to step up your comment game.

I’m pretty sure white means I’m a boring conformist who drives a transportation appliance.

Could have been worse, the priest could have pulled something else.

Your problem is that you’re selling them too quickly. If you worked for a Mitsubishi dealer, you would not have this problem.

Well, YOUR front still looks stupid!!

You include the Diamante but leave out the Starion? SACRILEGE. OK, I guess the Starion wasn't around 20 years ago specifically, but it deserves mention as being the spiritual father of the Eclipse. In any case, ditch the Diamante, please.