Forza Pilot

Please tell me you intentionally misspelled ‘moron’.

Have you noticed how these people always look exactly like the type of dopes who would think they’re able to pull of this stupidity?

Jalopnik feels like it’s been taken over by a group of BLM supporting trans rights activists. Now, don’t get me wrong, I don’t necessarily disagree with any of those groups, but I don’t want that stuff messing with my car stuff.

That said, is anyone surprised that a billionaire who is obviously on the spectrum isn’t

It’s a trophy, something most people are too poor to understand. It’s all about being the guy that OWNS this car.

It’s good to see Jalopnik isn’t staffed by a bunch of Elon Musk/Tesla fanboys.

VTEC bro has opinions.

It’s hard to feel bad for anything negative that happens to a car dealership.

These companies are going to end up with their staff doing a prayer circle because they lack the engineering or any level of technical skills it takes to develop these trucks.

I live about an hour north of Dallas and I can tell you this state is full of religious zealots who cheat on their spouses and can barely count

That is such a lazy and played out white victim story you’re telling.

There is a higher level of training required in America to become a hair dresser or barber than there is to become a cop.

There are two types of cops in America: Bad cops and cops who cover for bad cops.

This guy is gonna get passed around in prison like a bag of candy.

Well, Elon ain’t paying rent at Twitter HQ either, so there’s precedent.

This is absolutely another cop getting off, no matter how the court wants to frame the issue.

The defense and prosecuting attorneys have to work with the police to perform their duties, so this is nothing more than lawyers pandering to the police in the hope of getting preferential treatment for one of their future

Such a petty little man.

All other answers are wrong.

Racing isn’t safe, and the drivers know that.

I say make the cars even faster!

I’d imagine this isn’t going to be approved and posted, but this feels like a perfect opportunity to say fuck all cops.

Typical bad cop crap. It’s always happened and it’ll never stop.

One more reason I will NEVER let a valet in my car. I worked at a restaurant that had valet parking, and the shit I saw the valets do to cars was insane.