Being nagged by Galarian Nidoqueen, no doubt. /s
Being nagged by Galarian Nidoqueen, no doubt. /s
Where the HELL is Nidoking Galar form?
I was bored as fuck by it. None of the Pokémon interacted with each other, the pop-in was atrocious, the land itself was ugly, and there was nothing to do there but catch the same Pokémon I’ve caught 5,000 times in previous games.
May all of their bio children grow up to be radical queer atheists.
I’ve been a freelance designer for years and I sure do like getting paid for my work, but I’m not sure that any kind of equitable scenario exists here.
Honestly as a professional concept artist as my day job that has won one of these when I was starting out(Dead or Alive 5), these don’t bother me. I didn’t have a portfolio of characters at the time, so doing a one off for a game I loved and winning gave me moral boost I still have to this day, they even kept sending…
Holy. Crap.
Thankfully, Microsoft set the bar really low with that one. If Sony actually PLAYS a few games, they will surpass it.
The PS Classic bombed because it had a lousy lineup and framerate issues. A properly modded PS Classic is awesome and every bit as good as a modded SNES Classic.
The PS Classic bombed. An N64 one probably would as well. That generation was video game adolescence in that we could see where things were going, but looking back they were awkward formative years. An N64 Classic could produce some first party stuff that would hold up. The Rare games were a huge aspect of that…
Does this mean United is going to go with the method Dethlok used to deal with people pirating their music? Because uh...trying to stop fans from modding games, especially on PC would be be a feat that nobody sane would take on. No matter what steps taken, you can certainly make it more difficult to mod stuff, but…
Goldeneye was magic, but I never, ever liked Perfect Dark. I couldn’t connect to its world, and its visuals were somehow worse than Goldeneye (which were blocky, but acceptable back in the day).
I first watched it with a group of friends that included a major anime-skeptic, and he audibly cringed every time Edward did his whole “don’t call me short” yelling schtick. It was a shame, because he said he was repeatedly getting into it, only to be taken out of it by another screaming jag.
I’ll pay YOU to isolate me on fake Mars for the next 8 months.
People think that big corps use a whole team for social media, but a lot of times it’s some early-20s year old, or a 3rd party company where it’s a bunch of people in their early 20s. A friend of mine works at such a company - he’s 28, and he’s been the “senior” of the team since he turned 26, and this is his 2nd…
This has been my biggest frustration with current media. Stop fighting for the right to be first, and start fighting to be the first to be right.
No. They didn’t “scold” the media for “noticing.” They scolded the media for scrambling to post something very questionable and obviously dodgy as a legit leak without doing any attempt at quality control or verification, which is a very legitimate reason to scold the media for.
I can’t believe how different the British version of his shows are from the American, they’re so much better! He really, genuinely, cares about the people and the restaurant that he’s rehabbing, and there’s less forced confrontation and yelling.