I disliked this review. It feels so clinical.
I disliked this review. It feels so clinical.
These kids are what Harry Potter would’ve turned out like if he’d grown up being called The Chosen One.
The 360 was also concave, and I never even *DARED* to stand it up. It was on its side for 10+ years.
Where the HELL is Nidoking Galar form?
Households with more than one of the same console might be more common than you think (that sounds like a Zergnet clickbait article).
To each his own, but you are definitely in the minority there. I had a blast getting the 100% to that game. Graphically and mechanically, very few games come close to it.
Agreed. With proper support and a good catalog, it would’ve done exceedingly well. It was just terribly marketed, with some glaring omissions in the game department, and overpriced.
20-25 high caliber games for ~$60 bucks, though? Story would have been very different.
Didn’t read shit and came right down to the comments to tell you everything you say, ever, is invalid after insinuating TDK is overrated.
Goldeneye was magic, but I never, ever liked Perfect Dark. I couldn’t connect to its world, and its visuals were somehow worse than Goldeneye (which were blocky, but acceptable back in the day).
This comment did not age well.
He’s carrying on Fahey’s legacy.
This is fire. Thanks!
Final Fantasy 7 Remake has a stellar OST.
Nah, they’re the best part of all this.
“Gamblers usually prefer to lose their money than abandon their mad hopes.”
Bioshock Collection has a nice museum.
I'm sure we can find a link between the U. S. COVID-19 situation and the sheer stupidity and lack of basic reading skills in response to your comment.
Loved it. Saw it twice, two days in a row. Spectacular. Amazing. Life changing. I teared up (both times) during the credits, when the signatures come on screen. And I am *not* a crier.
You are terriby naíve if you think it’s easy to avoid spoilers for high profile releases. I have seen it in person and online, people who take it upon themselves to ruin the endings and plots of movies, TV shows and book to others, just for fun.