FortWaba (Formerly Starred)

Jin is the head of his clan, an aristocratic warrior who never wanted for anything in his life. Why is he so eager to squeeze every last resource from the people he’s supposed to be protecting? Life was hard before the Mongols arrived, and now villages and farms are burning. Those supplies would be much more

At this rate we’re definitely getting a real assassin’s creed japan from ubisoft... and some time in the far future when 2020 is old history, an assassin’s creed Florida with a karen DLC.

Eh those of us who saw him in Breaking Bad already knew that, personally i’ve gotten used to how he speaks Spanish and he always makes for an entertaining so I truly could not give less of a fuck how “accurate” it is, I don’t play video games for accuracy anyways.

I’m totally fine with that plot here as it feels like

Yeeeeeah, so Giancarlo Esposito, who is Danish and American with an Italian father, can’t speak Spanish to save his life and that trailer was pretty shitty.

I don’t know, at what point do we stop doing the “everybody speaks English but they still say “El Presidente” to refer to the dictator” thing? It’s barely fine in

I’d never made the connection before you posted this...

Are the Far Cry games connected by storyline?

I really hope they change up the core gameplay loop this time around. I liked 3 & 4, but 5 was the point where I burnt out on the series.

Farcry 3, the third.

Those of us who’ve bought Skyrim on like 19 different platforms agree.

I mean, it’s not really supposed to be a tactical, dynamic fight, it’s supposed to be a mad scramble just to stay alive while you unload every single bullet and pipe bomb you have into the thing. The game stocks you up plenty beforehand and there’s ammo littered everywhere in the environment where the fight takes

They need a Snape. 

These kids are what Harry Potter would’ve turned out like if he’d grown up being called The Chosen One.

This strangely reminds me of one of my childhood movies Blank Check(1994).

Imagine creating an organization that celebrates conspicuous consumption and unearned wealth and then having either the extreme self-awareness, or the extreme lack thereof, to call your organization One Percent.

Now playing

Or if you want a rather unique “build-defend” game by a two man team.

Uguy is the Xbox and Nintendo designs.

Uguy is the Xbox and Nintendo designs.

I appreciate that you spelled out “Electronics Boutique” and I now feel old for that. 

Just to note, at $60, if a game sells one million units, then it’ll make almost $60 million in revenue. If a game sells 5 million units, that’s over $300 million, not counting Special Editions or DLC or micro-transactions.

Switch games are $60 and Nintendo-made games never go on sale.