FortWaba (Formerly Starred)

But a sequel WOULD be a prequel in a game called "A Link to the Past"

" Fans are paying for the game, each donation, generally, is a copy of the game sold, meaning that if a game gets funded, it has enough fans who would buy it to return on it's initial investment."

Yes. Exactly.

If you don't see how that can possibly go wrong, then I'm not the one who is "kind of stupid".

I don't think

Even big gaming companies in the 90's were indie by today's standards. The industry has grown into one helluva behemoth. Also, dude, the man hasn't made a game in 15 years. He's so far off the radar that no one under 25 even remembers him. It doesn't get much indier.

If this game doesn't seem proper indie to you, it's

Papa-ooma-mow-mow, papa-ooma-mow-mow.

Come on, guys, zip it up. I'm getting a little weary.

Give me your email and I'll help you understand. No strings attached.

Good touch screens have been around and cheap since the first iPhone and have only gotten better and cheaper since. So Nintendo isn't exactly blazing new trails even for their own hardware with the addition of it. Is it (the tablet) neat and can it be used to change the way we play certain games if a company decides

He wears them at his waist. This is normal for someone who is active or going into combat.

Or maybe his skeleton is actually has grotesque, Bayonetta proportions. Like, maybe his torso is 3 times smaller than his legs and it's all one big parachute pants illusion!

I was thinking Centurions.