This is my then 2 month old boy and I sharing some gaming time as well. He’s 6 months old now.
This is my then 2 month old boy and I sharing some gaming time as well. He’s 6 months old now.
Wow, she’s a big girl at 3 weeks old. Congrats!
This is the most no-nonsense deo I’ve ever used. I’m a big hairy guy, pretty active, and anything other than this keeps the ladies away :(
This is the most no-nonsense deo I’ve ever used. I’m a big hairy guy, pretty active, and anything other than this…
I could listen to him talk ALL DAY.
Haha, my Iron Banner stats would like a word.
I beg to differ, but this is the best game gun. Ever.
I bought it on launch day and abandoned it for a couple of months. Found it a little... boring.
I still haven’t seen any of this, though. I saw the comments, griping and complaints online, everyone whining about a bad port, but decided to buy the game anyway, thinking, “Oh, they’ll patch it, soon.”
Look at this.
Like to see you explain to my 6 year old sister what anal sex and rape are. That is one conversation I'm definitely NOT looking forward to.
Shelly. Pirate girls FTW.
I'm a huge Fire Emblem fan, so Banner Saga was right up my alley. Any sequel is VERY MUCH welcome in this home.
This looks EXACTLY like the Banner Saga. Hell, I'd even say it's Stoic Studio under a new name doing this Kickstarter.
Truthtellah is like, a million years old.
I'm actually incapable of playing most games unless I invert Y. There are some exceptions, like Resident Evil 4, but everything from FPS' to racing and adventure needs to invert.
Just brilliant. Keep it up, soldier!
Doritos are made from corn, not potatoes.
Who cares?
Nevermind the naysayers; the Ticket, as foretold by Goomy (praise Goomy!), shall guide us back to the Helix, and bring back our Lord and Savior Omanyte. Thence, will he show us His Wonder, and become Omastar, master of Rock and Water, for that is His Realm here on earth.