FortWaba (Formerly Starred)

Dark Souls and Dragon's Dogma both let you completely change your female characters frame.

I don't want to carry an extra devide that only works for gaming. However, I have a Galaxy Note, and games on this behemoth are fantastic. I don't play ALL DAY, but I usually have a lot of downtime at work, so simply attaching a MOGA for a couple of hours to play a while is fantastic for me. I am REALLY looking


Bring it to Android, instant sale from me.

I REALLY hope Shotguns don't suck this time around. Because they were useless in BO 1.

Damn, a Halo game with shaders. Finally. Campaign looks beautiful.

Time consuming is an understatement. I had 100 game time hours less than 2 weeks after I bought it.

Dude, that was Leon from Resident Evil!

It's not. You mount your device (say, your iPhone or Galaxy S3) on the controller. It's actually pretty darn convenient. Games like Dead Trigger will GREATLY benefit from this.

Dead Rising. Even with a 42" HDTV, I never could read that damn text.

Look, I'm fully grown man with plenty of chest hair, but that story of your son playing Infamous merits an AWWWWW ^_^

You mean insect powered paperbag boy?

This. This so very many times.

Hi shroomy! I'm adding you because I REALLY need help in DayZ, I can only play at night time and as you can tell, I can't see shit. So, steam name's FortWaba.

Yeah, around 20 wine connoisseurs or 'catadores' were given "red wine" to taste the qualities, when it was actually white wine with food coloring. They all went on talking about the magnificent qualities and taste of the "red wine", never knowing it was white.

Uh, yes there is. It's called 2013 new consoles.

Bad design. The pockets should be open facing TOWARDS the user, not towards the sand. As they are now, they'll get sand in them for sure, and your hand will get sandy for sure when grabbing for things.

Hi there! Ok, do this:

There we go, he fixed it. GOOD JOB!

You've spoken for a thousand years, my friend.