*exasperated cry* Thank you! This guy is ten times worse than deuxhero on a bad day.
*exasperated cry* Thank you! This guy is ten times worse than deuxhero on a bad day.
It's not unique to consoles at all. Cellphones love to do it as well (RIM code-names theire phones; Javelin, Thunder, etc)
Steam version is a BIIIIIITCH to mod, it's insane...
There's ultra high rez clothing mods :)
Yeah, it's been around for a bout a year, actually.
There are several Zombie survival mods! You should check them out, they're great fun.
I've been using iCEnhancer since it was in BETA, from early last year. It really does look pretty damn good, and performance doesn't take such a big hit.
Yes, but you wouldn't say Five Quadrillion FLOPS. That's why the prefixes exist, so we can handle those huge quantites in easier to manage terms. Hence, 5,000 TeraFLOPS.
Haha, yeah, that is rather amusing, EVE does look pretty good.
You say you want consoles to stay behind so that PC developers start pushing the envelope again, as they well have in the last few years because of console limitations. Thing is, if consoles don't catch up, most developers won't really care. They'll save a ton of money on Research and Development for new engines and…
You make a good point, though. Time and again hair is the most consistenly bad looking part of a video game :P
"... Valve seeks to appropriate the more than seven years of goodwill that Blizzard has developed in the mark DOTA"...
Historically accurate, with weak points you can attack for massive damage. You know, like the history books. They also drop $599 coins as loot. Yes, coins.
I had a Charizard by the time I beat Brock in my first playthrough in Pokemon Red, way back in 98'. I'd tried to beat him a few times before, but gave up, and just started fighting the local wildlife.
The chair cost $130, that 'Piano bench I built with my own hands, as well as the desk built right into the wall, and the monitor on the right is a 3D 1080p HDMI monitor.
I'm constantly moving my stuff around, usually the 360 or the Wii to my brother's room when he wants to play with his friends, so I gave up on tying the wires a long time ago.
Awww, torrents and PCISO.com don't count. :(
I'm serious. I detested Zidane. Every moment.