Roseanne has never faced actual consequences for her horrible actions in her entire adult life. (Or at least not since she started stand-up but her consequence free shittiness predates her mega-fame.) And she’s in a tailspin over it. She thinks she can make it all go away because, historically, that has been the case.
Jesus, she’ll be 55 in July. I can’t imagine wanting to go through childbirth at that age, especially if I’d done it a bunch of times already.
Fuck you Sarah, and your boss too.
I can understand her disappointment. I believe Gilbert was the one who really rallied the original cast and pitched the reboot. This version was more her baby than Roseanne’s. That said, it was never going to get far with Roseanne involved, and they should have all seen this coming.
Agreed. I thought when this thing was announced that the reboot would’ve been better without Roseanne. Dan was supposed to be dead at the end of the first run thanks to some straight-up soap opera horseshit, so why not have Roseanne gone as well? She and “new husband” moved to a survivalist camp in Montana or…
Chelsea is a master of the unfailingly polite “fuck you.” She’s kind of my hero.
I think they naively or optimistically underestimated Roseanne’s vitriol.
I’m not sure whether to laugh or scream at Roseanne’s apology for what she said about Valerie Jarrett. Saying Valerie is the child of the Muslim Brotherhood and Planet of the Apes was not a fucking joke about her looks. It was an intentional invocation of the racist idea that black and brown folks are more ape than…
My guess is that they were gambling hardcore on the nostalgia of the thing, cos that’s kinda big at the moment. That that nostalgia smell would just override the smell of the white supremacist trash. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Every last cast member knew what they signing up for when they hitched their wagons to a vile, racist, pig. Now they’re forever tainted with the stench of Rosanne. They all got what they deserved.
Well they wanted a show that portrayed trump supporters, and they sure as hell got that! Lol.
Because they tried to do a Megan Kelly even though in this day and age, people are tired of bullshit sensationalism since the president and his cronies and the state of the world and nation are tired of that status quo bullshit.
I’m 100% on board with cancelling the show, but I just don’t understand why ABC had to go and give her a platform to begin with. Her Twitter has been filled with hate for a long time and by ABC giving Barr her sitcom back, it emboldened her to be more vitriolic. And before everyone responds to me, money cannot the…
It wasn’t about being fuddy-duddy or not ready. It was just that nobody preaches like that in the C of E. There’s no call and response, no applause, no performance. Most of the people there had never seen anyone behave like that (I don’t mean that in a negative way) in a church, apart from American TV. It’s like if…
The looks on the faces of the members of the royal family. They were NOT ready. Lol Whatever. Those fuddy-duddies can suck it because his sermon was amazing.
This is beautiful, thank you.