
Thank you! I’m thinking of the articles about women’s health poor outcomes being linked to their pain and health concerns often being dismissed when men’s concerns are validated. Childbirth and rearing are huge life events and life changes, require resources and social supports that are disappearing in our society,

It’s extremely shitty and misogynistic. Yeah, if you read it as “This one woman is kind of tired of being a mom” then maybe her problems are miniscule. But women all over the world, for literally all of history, have had their lives upended because of the very nature of human biology and the face that they are child

I thought that was an odd line to include, as well. It struck me as unnecessarily dismissive, including the previous sentence about privilige and Cody’s other works (teen pregnancy, alcoholism, um, demonic possession). I mean, post-partum psychosis as “slightly miniscule”? Eek.

As someone who struggled mightily with postpartum mindfuck bullshit, I am actually VERY GLAD this movie was spoiled for me. (Wasn’t spoiled here, it was on a parenting group warning fellow moms to beware.) I can’t imagine how I would feel if I moved hell and highwater to get a babysitter (which I have never had) to

“It is indeed another story about a woman whose problems are, in the grand scheme of things, slightly miniscule.”

Hey, when you write a review that contains plot twists and spoilers, can you please put that at the top? I don’t expect all reviews to give away the plot, so I was merrily reading along and - ploink - there was a major plot twist reveal. Please spare others the same disappointment and put a spoiler alert up at the

“Quick little fact check: Genovese was attacked at 2:30 a.m. outside her Queens apartment and—despite her case being an oft-used example of no one doing anything to help because they think someone else will, it was later revealed that multiple neighbors called the police. But why let “truth” get in the way...”

I will needlepoint that onto a cushion. A slogan for the ages.

Right....because a clear backpack would TOTALLY have stopped the expelled student carrying an AR-15 onto campus.

The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is to make him wear a clear backpack.

So these are the movie equivalents of loving The Fountainhead.

This is how I feel about American Beauty. Was Kevin Spacey supposed to get a medal for not fucking a teenager?

Then you, my friend, are what is referred to as an outlier.

you just wanted to type hugfart, didn’t you? so did i, and now i have, WOO.


If your favorite movie is Boondock Saints your favorite book is probably the back of a box of Hot Pockets. – Dave Horwitz

Yes, hugfart, I’m the one who’s easily offended.

But it’s not a “fun, goofy, guilty pleasure.” I had a positive impression of this movie before I saw it about 5 years ago because of the influence of my high school and college friends. I went into it without even having read any of the negative stuff written about Duffy. And you know what? The terrible, terrible

Counterpoint: The Boondock Saints was never a good movie.

A few things: 1) Pretty sure the opening sermon scene happens AFTER the courthouse scene, timeline-wise. That’s why one says “I do believe the Monsignor’s finally got the point.”
2) Of course he doesn’t recognize the main characters, he was imprisoned before they were old enough to recognize them. They specifically