
“I understand that there aren’t enough garbage cans in this part of the city”

You may also understand, then, that some of the cans which are there, are removed during protests/parades. Crowd control was tight, with little access to sidewalks where cans are placed; no trash cans in the middle of streets, and some

No, poodletime, because there’s never a right way to protest. If you’re violent, it shows you’re not serious. If you’re nonviolent and respectful, it shows you’re unpatriotic. If you have a march, it shows you’re unconcerned with public sanitation. If the Women’s March had mopped the road behind them someone would

Hi, dear. I actually redacted my comment since DG’s response was far superior in terms of advancing us to an inspirational future.

If we were all 1/10th the person Viola Davis is, the world would achieve immeasurable greatness.

I prefer to give women like this my attention.

There’s gonna be one less lonely tree. One less lonely tree.

Good job Ed! The Shire ain’t gonna repopulate itself.

Ugh; with the wedding/baby exceptions, of course, this was a depressing Dirt Bag.

Going through this right now. I am in recovery and have been trying to treat back spasms and a herniated disc with ibuprofen. The result was immobility and a trip to the emergency room. I was then transferred to a skilled nursing facility, where over the course of 7 hours I was assaulted, my stuff was stolen, and I

IKR? I started using it for fun and literally no one, even when the context would suggest positivity, understood it that way. I’m trying to figure out what it is about the word that so strongly suggests a bad thing (to North Americans, at least). Maybe it’s the “huff” in the middle?

I say we dorks take to the streets and whack the cool kids with our band instruments while pelting out Castle on the Hill. Dorkmarch18!

Sheeran is a “dork” and society has always mocked dorks.

It’s weird all the free passes that little whiny brat Bieber gets while any mention of Sheeran results in a relentless mock-a-thon. Sheeran is a goon and his music popular but doesn’t seem like a jerk. Bieber, on the other hand, reminds me of Scott Disick’s little brother with a guitar and baby boy voice. It’s a

“Cherry Seaborn”

A longer report stated he had been performing with a fractured hip!? :( And the pain meds were so he could keep touring.

“Chuffed” is one of those terms that sounds exactly the opposite of what it means.

bless her heart - the olds are attacking!!

When my husband and I were naming our child, we were able to veto the other’s name suggestions. For example, for a boy, my husband liked the name Lawrence. VETO. I liked Love for a middle name for a girl. VETO. In the end we came to a name that we both really liked. I can’t even recall who suggested it because we both

A direction, a hipster microbrewery, and a hospital.