
I lived quite close to Orlando for many years. I’ve seen Celebration village. Believe me, I’m aware. *shudder*

If perfection comforts you, then Disneyland really is the happiest place on earth . . . if, like myself however, you find outward perfection rather sinister, Disney is just one long Stepford experience that you have to pay for the privilege of enduring.

Forgive my lack of specificity. Although the Supreme Court has ruled that hate speech is protected under the first amendment, they have also stated that said speech loses First Amendment protection if it calls for and is likely to lead to “imminent lawless action” such as violence, rioting, murder. This is also why

Jesus. America needs to take a cue from Germany and shut Nazi speech down. We already have hate crime laws and anti-hate speech laws and I simply do not understand why these aren’t enforced against Naziism.

THANK YOU. It’s so refreshing to see someone write about choosing aloneness without sounding defensive. People always think it’s the fallback of the bitter or repressed, or heartbroken, or secretly disturbed—always a reaction to some life catastrophe rather than a serene choice.

I really, REALLY hope they throw him into GenPop.

Ding ding ding, you’re absolutely right, they are. Openly, among themselves. I had the misfortune of being raised in red country, in a deeply evangelical/republican church environment, and more than once there were discussions and papers and seminar sessions on how the Muslims “are outbreeding us.” It was laid down

I’m just going to leave these right here.

Good for her!! It’s about damn time.

Yes, dear, many of us read that same article last year. The problem you are fixated on is known and avoidable and already covered in this thread, by people who actually study, work, and volunteer in the relevant fields.

They are. There was a study made the rounds a few years back, but TLDR: Target is Wal-mart for “comfortable” people.

Yeah, so, here’s the story: in the few weeks I’d worked there, I’d come to suspect they were violating OSHA laws as well. Their employees (almost entirely female) are required to show up once a week on a designated day at 3 AM to unload the massive 18-wheeler stock trucks that show up. All of it—all the boxes,

This is exactly what I’ve always imagined sixteenth-century syphilitics looked like.

Yes, I mentioned them because I specifically remember having to do that, and thinking the same as you. They fired me for being pregnant—seriously—but I hadn’t worked there long enough to care about suing.

Cannot wait till the veterinarians, ethical breeders, and animal biologists start dragging this truly ignorant endeavor. Dogs’ jaws and teeth and digestive tracts evolved that way for a reason, mobybloom sparklepony.

As someone with both a rich retail background and an established non-profit career, this is a bit of a straw man argument. Clothing needs are perennial; the problem is when donors mindlessly pour in donations during disasters, or only ever call the same five mega-charities to donate something. Many charities with

It’s similar to the reasoning that retailers like Target use to keep their plus size offerings low. They believe (rightly or not) that their average aspirational shopper doesn’t want to see us chubbos wearing the same things they have access to. They wouldn’t be as special and superior, then.

Policies like this exist for several reasons, the foremost of which is to prevent black market dealing out of the back alley (often by employees.) Home retailers like Pier 1 do this too. Another major reason is exclusivity—can’t have the poors looking like folks. Either way, it’s a shitty rationale.

Word. Plus internal policing a la The Handmaid’s Tale is a very, very real thing. A great many white women would and do sell you down the river at the first opportunity if it means not rocking the boat, or maintaining their own status, or “advancing” in some perceived way. They will hold on to the meager dole they

I was seriously just wondering about that yesterday. Are their sales down?