
Stress brings out a person’s true nature. It sounds like you’re seeing his. I am sorry to say it, but I urge you to get out while you can, you and your child relatively unscathed. It gets much, much worse. ❤

THIS. Leave him. Sooner is better than later.

This is the most loving possible way to go out, period. What a magnificent person. What an amazing partner.

No shit. I replied directly to a comment about communism.

Historically, Communism has worked out well in the long run for 0% of the countries that embraced it. Not saying there aren’t worse ways to live. But I don’t think defaulting to a system that only every works on paper is the answer. Plus, Bannon is a Leninist whose stated goal is to “bring down Western society.” Who

Everything I said is true, and I am very glad it helps. We hear such an over-abundance of negative and harsh things in life—especially if one grew up around a constant stream of it—that we often come to feel it’s reality. Which is understandable yet utter nonsense, like looking at a butterfly’s wing through a

I have never understood the cultural fascination with three of the most boring actors you will ever watch.

When I first read the title, I assumed it was going to be Cogsworth the clock. Anyone else feel me on this?

Indeed it is. But think about how much you would have forgiven your parents for if they had actually apologized and meant it. By making things right with your kids, you are giving them a beautiful example of how they should treat others, and THAT is what they’ll takeaway. You are an inspiration, and it sounds like

This is Inception-level Irony. It is the quintuple-turducken of all ironies.

All the while tearfully, sincerely believing their own “i’m-the-real-victim” bullshit. #isavesomuchmoneyonmothersday

The ones who’ve experienced extreme marginalization will get a bit more out of it than the others. I’m not comparing their experiences to systemic racism, but the thing about white people (or any group with entrenched power) is that they’re really, really good at eating their own. There’s all kinds of ways to make a

check, check, and check

The thing about growing up in an abusive home is that you do not have a baseline for Healthy. While the normal baseline is at, say, zero and excellent is at 50, your baseline may be at -50. So when you are older and have your own kids, you can be doing MUCH better than your parents, and still be at -25 because you

So ultra-cons have shied away from “feminism is evil” to “feminism is still evil but I’m a different kind of feminist—real, better than the other kinds.”

Have you ever lived in FL? Because I did for many years, and know literally thousands of people across various socio-economic and racial groups there, and it’s common knowledge that the state is notoriously corrupt from the head down in all areas (some are worse than others but they’re all bad.) Also, former teacher

“see we got rid of this guy so when we continue the school to prison pipeline you can’t possibly think it’s because of racism.”

Yes, of course I know about IEPs, as do my friends who remain in FL with children they have to do battle for on a daily basis because most of their IEPs are purely lip service. You’re also assuming that my longtime, extremely forthright friend and I didn’t have multiple conversations about the class wherein he

His parents may have resisted it because FL’s special ed is the fucking WORST. They really do put all the kids in the same class regardless of level of help the child needs, and rubber-stamp them for life. I went to school with a guy who graduated fourth in the class, aced every AP course, and now has TWO PhDs. He was

Werd. I don’t let my kids (or anyone) poop in my master bathroom. Had to share one for two many years with irresponsible eaters. Hard pass.