
So ultra-cons have shied away from “feminism is evil” to “feminism is still evil but I’m a different kind of feminist—real, better than the other kinds.”

Have you ever lived in FL? Because I did for many years, and know literally thousands of people across various socio-economic and racial groups there, and it’s common knowledge that the state is notoriously corrupt from the head down in all areas (some are worse than others but they’re all bad.) Also, former teacher

“see we got rid of this guy so when we continue the school to prison pipeline you can’t possibly think it’s because of racism.”

Yes, of course I know about IEPs, as do my friends who remain in FL with children they have to do battle for on a daily basis because most of their IEPs are purely lip service. You’re also assuming that my longtime, extremely forthright friend and I didn’t have multiple conversations about the class wherein he

His parents may have resisted it because FL’s special ed is the fucking WORST. They really do put all the kids in the same class regardless of level of help the child needs, and rubber-stamp them for life. I went to school with a guy who graduated fourth in the class, aced every AP course, and now has TWO PhDs. He was

Werd. I don’t let my kids (or anyone) poop in my master bathroom. Had to share one for two many years with irresponsible eaters. Hard pass.

This woman reminds me of St. John Rivers in Jane Eyre.

Totally agree. I cannot begin to count the number of times just saying the word “feminist” has cause nostrils to flare in my direction, and I’m pretty much a total noob. It’s still pretty freaking incendiary—else how do you explain Trump’s election?!

THIS. I live in Houston. The place is quite purple if anything, yet someone today just asked me how I “cope” being one of the “lone liberals” in the state. I had to assure them there were plenty of progressives here too—it feels like there’s this massive misconception that TX is just red through and through, when

“Giving you time off to hang with your friends” sounds like code for “sex night.”

Yeah, free and reduced school lunches are a very important program. Didn’t exist for us at the time.

Second grade. Opened my lunchbox midyear to find half a bologna sandwich, a gherkin pickle, and an empty cup to get water from the fountain. I was like, “Huh. We’re POOR.” Then I shrugged and hightailed it to the playground.

It sounds like these parents have failed a lot of girls as well.

lmao with this question

A historical understanding of fairy tales and what we think of as “children’s” literature reveals that the vast majority of them were always meant to be very adult tales, often told by bawdy raconteurs around village campfires. Most of them have to do with basic survival, and there are distinct subcategories. Beauty

So this is purely anecdotal and I don’t want to set off any firebombs, but in just my personal experience, latino and black men seem to disproportionately HATE condoms and actively try to avoid using them. I’ve had a few girlfriends share similar observations. Is there some kind of stigma attached to them, and would

(comment deleted due to clip being an edit)

So, schmaltz addicts?

Some people rely on the emotional equivalent of Metamucil from shows like this in order to uncork the feelz. #psychicconstipation

Don’t worry, it’s obvious to us too. He looks awkward as hell and we like him the better for it.