AMEN. I broke it off with the guy I was seeing. No regrets.
AMEN. I broke it off with the guy I was seeing. No regrets.
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SFU is the same show that ended my completist ways, as well. God, what a slog after season 2.
Hate to be the wet blanket on everyone’s tsk tsking of this woman’s parenting (I have two myself and an eldest who never seemed to need sleep,) but what this woman is describing is not normal spoiled-kid behavior. It sounds concerningly close to what I’ve read about sleep behavior in children who were later diagnosed…
The logical explanation is that on the hill, Sanchez is a known lush who notoriously gives most of her speeches while heavily under the influence, and is an equal-opportunity groper in crowded elevators/bars.
Wut the actual fuck.
No bet. I don’t want to lose my money.
Follow-up headline: NO SHIT.
This is truly disgusting but I am completely unsurprised that it came out of Kentucky, the flagship state for non-mandatory reporting.
The “living treasures” bit in conjunction with all the “you ugly” nonsense is what really cinched it for me, because it’s a complete de-personing. A treasure is not a person. It’s something you bury, hunt, or display in a museum. The subsequent dinosaur comparison is no subliminal accident.
I’m a Christian. I go to church. Faith is very important to me personally. And I will say till my final breath: Pastors are NOT, I repeat, NOT QUALIFIED to handle ANY kind of abuse cases. EVER. The short answer is and should always be a fast referral to the authorities and crisis counseling, along with immediate…
what is the point of keeping a male around if they can’t even open jars for you
I love this gif orgasmically.
I spoke with a Planned Parent employee in Austin who said the legislation had shuttered all but one clinic in the state. ONE. Previously there’d been 40.
I always assumed they got so much play off of this.
THANK YOU. This has always unsettled me.
Having done this TO multiple men because it’s funny, I have no other insight to offer. Greeting someone as if you’ve just spotted them in a department store, immediately after coitus, is hilarious.
He’s campaigning for president right now.