
How do you get arrested for resisting arrest?

The music in that video........oh god. So.......horrible

Oh, and don’t forget cigarette smell too. Some brands are pretty pungent.


More technical but I would recommend front squats as well. If you can travel up and down the entire range of motion while keeping your torso upright and spine neutral, it will be easier to remain upright when there ISN’T 50, 100, 200+ lbs riding on front of your shoulders. Try the “athletic” style grip rather than the

Do you know me, son?

Call it “healthy body odor” all you want...I prefer to leave smelling asses to my dog.

I find it fascinating that you don’t realize different people have different opinions.

DS =/= io9

Man, Disney is really cranking this shit out.

I work one on one with clients, which means I can’t smell like ass and B.O. Instead of skipping showers to avoid drying out your skin, just use gentle soap and some goddamn moisturizer and don't take 35 minute scalding hot showers.

I’m fully aware of everything in this article. I however, still choose to shower every day because despite commonly held belief, I am not in fact a goddamn savage.

I ask anyone who reads this to continue and shower every day. Specially if you take public transportation or sit in a cubicle farm.

If they’re not real, why capitalize them?

Stick around!!! I noticed the grammatical mistake too. I’d date a guy who’s 5'4" (my height) or shorter, no questions asked, but a guy who refers to himself as “one of the last truly Renaissance men”? NEVER. Although...I probably wouldn’t be too enamored with a guy who referred to himself as “one of the last true

I like this one because the gentleman has found a very roundabout way of letting everyone know he’s 5'4".

“and” implies a decimal.

Both of you are correct. It is very important to understand what things are and are not within your realm of ability. Then ask yourself, “is it really?”

I run into the opposite: the inability to recognize that something is within one’s skill set. Too often I see people who are afraid to try the simplest things.

The absolute most important life skill to learn at any age is the ability to see that something is beyond your skill-set. It takes most people too long to learn this.