Fortner Industries

Sure, as soon as Ford renames it to the Probe.

Unbelievable... People are using forums and instead of Facebook groups.

Fun fact, the increasing popularity of crossovers and SUVs is offsetting all the positive strides made to reduce global emissions through electric vehicle sales.”

I drove these at UCD back in the mid-80s and they were very pleasant and easy to drive both on city streets and the highway. This is a cool RV choice.

The main advantage of Harvard and the like is having class mate’s whose dads can get you an internship at a Fortune 500 company.

Value is pretty much bullshit”

From the intial report:

I’m not a fan of angry Jeep eyes, either. But a racist identifier?

They are actually incredibly cringey to see in real life, and essential equipment for all the neck tattoo guys at my gym.

angry jeep eyes are dumb. about 30% of the jeeps in my area have the angry eyes grill kit and punisher logos. it’s like playing “spot the racist!”

Holy shit that is an awful take. Like absolute trash-tier.

I wonder if Erin would be quite as cool with stealing if thieves broke into her home and took her stuff. The thought experiment can assume that these thieves are “suffering from income inequality” or are “desperate”. Perhaps “shit has even been real” lately for them?

Me after reading this article excusing blatant theft

Stealing is not a good thing to do, we all know that. Thieves are out to make a quick buck at the expense of someone else. But this strikes me more as desperate, wholesale looting than property crime.

Yeah, my sympathies are with the people who paid (a lot—they’re not cheap) for epi pens to save their lives and didn’t get them, not with the vandals and thieves that _really_ need a hit of meth and trashed the life-saving pens. They’re not stealing food and blankets to care for their families, they’re just stealing

“Now, every outlet is calling these folks thieves, and sure, that’s technically correct.”

I should’ve stopped reading the first time Erin offered excuses for criminal behavior. But I kept reading and found more of it.

This weird apologist take is just bad. These people are thieves, stealing things from OTHER people who legitimately bought something despite the poor economy. This isn’t a stick-it-to-bezos thing. This is impacting folks like you and me who work to pay their bills, then get their hard-earned shit stolen by someone who

Sources told CBSLA that the locks Union Pacific uses are easy to cut,

And door handles from a Miata.