
We can always find Ashley on Twitter.

I hope I’m not the only who saw this and thought “I hope they don’t make Zoe pull on her braids until she’s bald, does she know what her hair will go through?” Heh. I hate this series even though I read all 13? books. 

There are still some pretty big holes, IMO, and I’m sure they have to do with licensing agreements with some creators, for instance, a lot of Vertigo is missing.

I signed up for the comics back catalog. It was added in April, is roughly equivalent to Marvel Unlimited (DC releases new stuff a year behind, not Marvel’s 6 months.) has a similar annual or monthly price point, and also gets yoy the original DCUniverse shows like Young Justice, Doom Patrol, and Titans. Absolutely

“for a PC you’re still talking high-endish hardware),” Or basically any computer purchased in the last 2 years with at least a 1060 discrete graphics card which is.... oh, the vast majority.

There are plenty of legit complaints about the costs for VR hardware, but acting like a budget busting gaming computer is still

This sounds like the latest good reason to launch my Marvel Unlimited app... thanks!

The first 3 are good. The second is very short and the third is fun. Things get a bit denser and more navel gazey in books 4-6.

Jesus Christ, the Hulk ate Galactus?”

If I recall correctly, the Marvel Zombies, launched out of Ultimate FF, at one point gang up to eat Galactus. Hulk was one of them. This would also probably be true of Spider-Man, Cap, and a whole lot of other heroes if this event “counts” as eating Galactus in your opinion.

I know you are correct about Warlock being given the gem by Wyndham/High Evolutionary. I think Starlin might have retconned the gem to be stealing souls going back to his early adventures. 

There some interesting interviews about how editorial dictate wanting to capitalize on the zeitgeist around Jesus Christ Superstar influenced that original Warlock run. It really helps explain how such an overt messiah plot made it to publication.

They have him. Grandmaster. But more specifically, with Fox, that puts Skrulls, Annihilus, Galactus, etc etc on the table for Marvel Cosmic’s toybox. There are plenty of Big Bads. They could even introduce Warlock and do the Magus.

This would also allow Warlock to serve as Wyndham’s second and give him an antagonistic relationship with the Guardians, which would have a lot of potential. I could easily see Gunn having wanted to do this at some point. Who knows what he’ll still want to do after finishing Suicide Squad.

Lion. King.

HIM’s first appearance is actually in the Fantastic Four. HIM’s creators kidnap Alicia Masters hoping she can talk HIM out of deciding to kill his creators for being evil - more or less. I think he visibly appears in person on maybe 4 pages across the entire two issue story, so maybe it’s fair to exclude it.


I already have the Infinity Gauntlet from Hasbro. I too had the same thought about this one.

I think American Graffiti is George’s best film, to be honest. He did not get final cut for that film, despite his director credit. I don’t think it’s a coincidence. I think your are correct. Often the “talent” truly benefits from collaborative situations, like having people tell you no, or not getting all the

No. They frequently include “alt heads” for the figures, that allow them to either be one of two or characters, or represent different appearances or incarnations.

Yes, but it is also true that imaging an MCU Annihilation Wave phase is pretty nice...

There was speculation that a sealed indictment might be filed now, then opened when Trump leaves office to avoid statute of limitations concerns,  and still following guidance on indicting sitting President. It would be irresponsible to speculate, the you have to ask the question... bwahahahaha

I had to scroll way too far for this comment. Knight family Starman history or gtfoh as far as I am concerned. Yes, I have all 81 issues of Starman vol 3, still my all time favorite super hero arc/book/whatever you want to call it, hands down.