
I saw Ministry on tour this year. It was funny to see how many of their fans were surprised a mixed race metal band would be so Antifa... heh. Morans. 

Didn’t HQ wind up getting it’s last round of venture funding from one of Peter Thiel’s investment groups? He’s pretty odious even beyond what he did to GMG, so I’ve been avoiding it ever since that was announced...

I bought 2. If you weren’t forced to one per order and could get multiples with one S&H fee, I’d have ordered 6.

As of right now, they still have units in stock for $2.50 right now. I imagine this sale will likely clear out their remaining inventory.

I think my favorite thing to do was lead towards cynical responses, while basically always taking the “where you sent by the Gods” set up to deliver, in my mind, a friendly but sarcastic “I sure was!”

This take got really interesting as my Odyssey progressed, and I realized based on the feats I was pulling off,

As a fellow Floridian, I have the opposite response. I have been devastated for days to think Florida is this racist and self destructive. Even a momentary reprieve  from that despair is welcome.

Greg Palast who is all over Kemp was all over the voter suppresion in FL in 2000. In a nutshell, the New Jim Crow has been in effect for longer than many will acknowledge. Gerrymandering, Felony Disenfranchisement, Voter Fraud Checklists ripe with errors that have far more PoC among them being used for Voter

A hit dog hollers as my hopefully future Governor says...

So easy to do that!

Me too. I live here.

True fact, if you have city water, the tap is just as chlorinated as that pool. Always have a filter. I suppose a well and a filter would be even better? But yea, tap water is chlorinated. I had a pool, I compared the results of chlorine tests between my kitchen sink and my pool, in case you’d like a source.

I did. And Yes on 4. And Bill Nelson... hopefully more folks who would vote with me will show up this year, because not enough of them did in 2016. sigh.

“Now I’m working through Shadow of Mordor and while it’s also a big grind, in ways, the moment to moment gameplay/combat loop is so vastly entertaining, I just keep going back. I’m really enjoying it.”

What impressed me most about this game was how the level design and the nemesis system manage to kind of overlap to

My mom's birthday is Nov 5th. Always liked having the Gunpowder Plot rhyme to help me remember. Very displeased a Jenner shares the day with her.

Thank goodness I am not the only one who wondered if Sapp had moved to Tx after getting let go from NFL Network...

Pretty sure this was from Forgetting Sarah Marshall, not Get Him to the Greek. They are “sequels” as Brand is playing the same character in both, but having played the GHTG soundtrack (credited to Infant Sorrow, Snow's band) on high rotation, this song was not in it. Whoever wrote the music for Infant Sorrow has legit

I as so bummed the Raiders somehow managed to win against Cleveland. The schadenfrued of Gruden losing to the Browns would have sustained me through winter. Thanks for this small consolation.

Man, as a former Bucs fan I have spent years discussing Chucky’s total inabilityto scout or develop players. His only strength as a coach is offensive scheming. I have been huffing the Schadenfreud since his hieing was announced and every time the loss column ticks up for the Raiders is additional justification for my

Sorry to burst the bubble. Of course it is precisely the assholes you would expect that have a problem with Fred.

It was a tour this year. I was there for Hall and Oates. I do not know if this was the Hoagie Nation show you refer to, but I caught them down here in Florida.