
They opened for Hall and Oates. I got to my seats like... a little past halfway through their set? They sound very much like their records, which the kind of people who like Train really appreciate. They also do a lot of really solid covers. They even did a Led Zeppelin cover album. My girlfriend and I googled it as

Pretty sure I took the time to 100% this one. Including the stupid final mission. Quite liked it. Even liked Connor. Felt it was a good take on a decent guy who lost almost everything he cared about to his enemies, or tragically, his friends betrayals.

Yes, and as stated they resumed with a new protagonist for Origins. The new “threat” is a couple of the First People “Gods” who are lingering around. Black Flag was the initial setup and you played as an Abstergo tester in FPS. At the time I suspected that the player character was supposed to be female but it is never

I think it was Revelations. Spoiler Alert. The trauma of killing Kristen Belle (Lucy?) had something to do with it, that and the bleeding stuff. He got better by 3.

It's not a bad area, but it is an old, visibly dated venue on a prime slice of downtown Jacksonville Riverfront. Make of that what you will. 

I swore there had to be a better one, but there really isn’t. None of them are particularly good. This is actually the only open visor one, which this author specifically stated as a preference.

This is the future of plagiarism thanks to internet content now that you have computerized tests. You “rewrite” the source by rewording it idea for idea. This is widely done in Internet marketing SEO content generation. Until about 6 years ago when google changed the algorithm this was the bread and butter technique

In general your statement is accurate!

Tears of joy after the first paragraph. Good to hear you are back. 

I am color deficient. While I can recognize the different skin tones of folks, I never really learned how to use color to categorize anything, even people.

I think the final cutoff of the first film will definitely be your second suggestion when he wakes from drinking the Water of Life, takes the name Maud’Dib and he is officially recognized as the leader of the Fremen. Basically, when he gets his Army. It’s a good natural breaking point. If I recall correctly, the Sci

Harmon is being targetted by the Alt Right Troll swarm that just celebrated their scalp of James Gunn. They are making a concerted effort to target comedians who have made Anti-Trump statements including Patton Oswalt, Michael Ian Black, Harmon obviously, and I think Trevor Noah just was added to the list based on

This is a valid criticism of the original, but the new series has them helpin women, and other gay men, including people of color. It was not just a marketing decision to drop “for the straight guy” from the title.

I used to be an NFL fan. I was a Bucs fan. I watched my whole state cheer as my Bucs used the number one pick on this rapist. That was the final thing that made me turn away from the NFL.

I work for the power company and electric tankless water heaters are typically bad no matter the cost. Mainly because, as other commenters mention, they are high instantaneous draw equipment. Not only will many people need to upgrade their individual service main to handle the load, there is a good chance the power

I work for the power company and electric tankless water heaters are typically bad no matter the cost. Mainly

I have tickets to see her in July. It will be my second time. Thanks for this.

I figured, I was trying to provide incentive to try either or both. Sorry if it didn’t come across that way.

That’s more like the sequel, X-Com 2. The first game and the original are set pre-occupation.