
I feel this is slightly inaccurate.

I was literally reading the comments trying to find anybody else who agreed with me about The Child.

When one of, if not the primary motivation, for not releasing the original theatrical cut again is so there are no royalties to be paid to your ex-wife, that merits a “spiteful prick” characterization. This is why the laser disc edition was the last version of the theatrical cuts to be released. George’s first wife

Specific ones can have higher second market prices, but plenty of them will also sit on shelves for like 2+ years here in Central Florida, so, it depends on the specific character basically.

I just wish this, and most of the DC Universe shows, were available somewhere with a wider subscription base so we had more folks to discuss them with.

Personally, I Dick Grayson wants to recruit Jericho and groom him as a tool against Deathstroke, which is very Batman, and makes the Slade/Titans rivalry one that the

I was trying to agree with your ultimate point, though I was being needlessly pedantic about that one specific phrase. I knew better, and I’m sorry. I also realize that does not help.

I signed up for the annual plan for the comics as well. It costs about what Marvel Unlimited does, which I also subscribe to.

“The rising rage/revenge of a disaffected {any other demographic}”

Disney owns all things Marvel.

Marvel Studios was broken out from main Marvel to direct report to like Bob Iger or somebody so Feige could have unfettered control over MCU content, but the Mouse still owns the TV and Publishing divisions. TV, at least still has the known racist misogynist Pearlmutter at the top of the

Thanks for trying to help. Basically a Disney sign in is not a D23 account, and you’ll only see the “sign out” option until you select a D23 account level.  There is a free “general membership” but it’s almost invisible on the page amidst the information about the annual fee Gold Membership options. Once I’d selected

Thanks for the reply. Ultimately my issue was you can “sign in” with your Disney account (which between ESPN, Marvel, and Star Wars most people will have one already) but that doesn’t you have an actual D23 account.

I had to opt for the “general membership” level from the various options. The select page heavily

Where would general members with old accounts find the link to My Account/View Account? I can only find the link to “update my account” but that’s not giving me the options the image says I need to take

Where the hell on the website can you even find the “My Account” link? I went to create a new one, but was informed I already had an old one (probably from but I cannot for the life of me find anywhere that actually lets you “view account” or manage the account. Just the update account link to update

Neither, they’re both the product of Sith genetics experiments trying to create a new version of Anakin as a vessel for Palpatine.

From the Atlantic’s Adam Serwer, who happens to also be a nerd.

They’re rich people first. They have a very vested interest in maintaining the general status quo. They may tell themselves they want a more egalitarian society, and I’m sure they really do want better outcomes for those most unfortunate in our society, but they don’t want that at the expense of their own personal

They could always just end the series before that happens... heh.

I want to preface this story by saying I’m from Florida, I am about 96% confident everybody in this room has physically been to Cape Canaveral and the Apollo 1 tragedy is not shied away from at Kennedy Space Center.

I love Sam. I was also okay with them using NTW with his powers too, but this trivia was still new to me, so neat.

“As Jace loads the Markovians into her car, she tells Halo that an associate of hers has finally figured out how to solve the problem, but what we come to learn is that Jace’s associate is Gretchen Goode. “

They gave his powers to Negasonic Teenage Warhead. I was surprised they were going to actually give us Sam.