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Don’t forget the fur patches clearly stolen from Hobby Lobby!

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How To Cook That needs a shout here. Ann Reardon’s been doing what a lot of wee bloggers with too much time on their wee hands should have been doing for the past ten years (glares) and exposing a lot of the fakery and bullshit from content farms like Blossom and those tuppeny slags at 5 Minute Crafts and So Yummy.

Just to go a bit meta here: Rose’s shout-out to Ellie Diamond was two-fold: yes, she’s giving the other Scottish queen from this years Drag Race UK a shout-out but she’s also echoing something that Ellie (and a lot of us UK fans were bitching about) - that RuPaul was being snide when she was saying Lawrence Chaney’s

We won’t discuss that weak-as peacock feather headpiece. It looked ratty.

Someone please tell me how the hell did Kandy get to the finale? No, in fact, how did she get past the first three episodes?

I feel this demands a tea gif...Morticia, darling, get thy eyebrow ready...

The same can be said of the fruitcakes who obsess over manga and anime and think they’re a real-life Sailor fucking Moon. Come, happy pandemic, take them first...

I’d like to see The Princess and The Frog ride. It’s one of my favourite Disney films of recent years (Frozen and it’s inevitable sequel can fuck off to Siberia) and I feel it doesn’t get as much love from the fans as that shrieky CGI spaff-fest.

Ah, Doublewide stupidity. See, people, this is why you shouldn’t fuck your cousins.

“Man, we never get the cool stuff over here in America”

Not many of you will have ever heard of the hallowed and glorious British eaterie called Greggs (stop your fucking fangirl-shrieking, fellow Brits! You sound like a dolphin being fisted with a spiked baseball bat!) but I will say this: America, you might have polluted the culinary genepool with your Taco Bell shite


Instagram, Twatter and Facebook are cancers. The sooner we start to move away from them and recognise the harm - actual physical and psychological harm - that they cause, the better. You don’t need to swarm to Instagram or Twatter to post a “tribute” to a deceased actor or a cause, but my god, it’s hypocritical to see

Do you want to look like that-one-person-everyone-hated-and-always-got-a-wedgie? Do you want people to think that you just can’t wipe your shitty arse properly after a long crap?

I blame Singapore Airlines for my ongoing addiction to Hainanese Chicken Rice. I had it on the flight from London to Singapore back in 2002 (not the flight I had where I encountered the chewed-sausage-rustling Maureen *shudder*) and, dear god, it was revelatory. If you’ve never had Hainanese Chicken Rice then here’s

*misty-eyed, like a basement-dwelling mutant with delusions of grease-free hair, as he recalls the only true horror story involving airline food he’s ever experienced*

Oi, Lee. It’s Singapore Airlines. Get it fixed!

Toasted brown bread with mashed banana. Toast and banana isn’t that weird, but my mother always insisted on it being mashed for some reason.

Blame Hollywood. We’ve been forcefed a diet of constant “get out in the nick of time” but this? This is a film about a star. There was no way in the cosmos they were going to get out. Which makes their motivations and actions that bit more realistic - yes, they could stop trying, but they’re doing it for the billions

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One of my favourite science-fiction films. Purely for the fact that the bad guys are human, the visuals are amazing (seriously, Danny Boyle should do more science fiction) and the soundtrack?