"At three points in the game you find yourself being hounded or blocked by huge ass swarms of spiders..."
"At three points in the game you find yourself being hounded or blocked by huge ass swarms of spiders..."
There are spiders in Uncharted 3?
I will be excited as soon as the "Remove giant spiders" patch is released. :p
That awkward moment when you fling one of these through your TV and don't quite know which piece of hardware to mourn the loss of more.
Nintendo coasts on the success of it's characters. The big games are always set with the same characters and they never push new ideas or experiences. I've been playing Mario since the NES but Nathan Drake only turned up in this generation and he'll probably be replaced in the next one! Look how huge the uncharted…
Ehhh... Seems to niche for me.
More importantly my minecraft webcomic is about to move past 300 comics! :D With daily ad revenue of about 50p I'll be at $80 million in no time!
Not really. If Ubisoft own them then Ubisoft can make them build the games they want and shut them down if they don't make money.
Its just the evolution of "Independent game studio" to "Game studio". I hope they like making movie tie-ins.
I do. He's overloaded it with every additional part he can so it takes forever to boot but I've never been so proud! :D
This is my Dad's favourite game! I can't wait to tell him it's got an update! Thanks and hearted!
I've started a new series of Let's plays where I focus on some lesser know indie games and tell you to buy them! :D This week it's Minecraft meets freespace in Blockade Runner! Let me know what you think of them!
Can't you just beam new games to the ship via satellites? That should stop the insanity... :p
I played this in London recently and wasn't impressed. There was a huge vacuum in this game where the fun used to be. It reminded me of the old Sonic 3D game which put tech over fun. I felt like I was just playing it, not enjoying it,
Sounds good to me. :p
Just a quick point. The game has planes and as such will probably be surrounded by sea (invisible walls aren't Rockstars style).
I've said it before and I'll say it again.
Does that mean my videos are now teaching tools?!
Graphics do not a game make.