
Happily I don't care about a few pixels. Two of my fav console games ever will be portable. PORTABLE. :D We live in the future! :D

Yep. I recently lost my bookmarks so I've been re-adding them today. I accidentally came back here and my brain couldn't quite take what I was reading. It was like wandering past your old house and realising that it's now a starbucks. :p

Back in my day this was a gaming blog...

Yeah. I do show off some awesome. :p Editing the next one right now! Looks to be an ETA of about 12 hours if I sleep. :p

ALMOST?!?! :p

I do! It's this one.

Awesome! Thanks for the feature!

Knowing how much this is copying Smash Bros it'll be "Master Foot". :p

Thank god for Caps Lock! Holding down shift just didn't work with the letters close to it.

I'm one of them! Pleased to meet you! :D

You get it back. :) In fact, I don't think it's even taken until funding has been successful and the time has run out. :D

Everyone has ideas. I'm only going to fund people who can actually pull them off.

Not compatible with vita I think. None of my other PS1 games are.

Actually that's a misquote.

Place two portals on the front of two bullet bill launchers. Leave it for a while. After a few minuites you'll have HUNDREDS of them forming a huge conveyor belt for you. :D

Yeah but.. it's on the DS just with some extras on the 3DS. If anything this says "Don't bother upgrading just yet".

Glad you liked it! Subscribe etc. :p Anyway, I agree. SR3 was great fun, especially in the missions with music (like parachuting onto the penthouse to "power".)

Now playing

Wow, not a week ago did I post this video causing loads of people to buy it... then it goes on sale. Either a coincidence or I broke Steams sale algorithm. :D

To make it more relatable to me it would have to be a "Sitting in the library, studying" simulator. :p