
On top of doing the youtube videos I run the minecraft webcomic Nerd³. []

Might be tricky with the 64 block height limit... Unless I dug it a hole... Or built all of Toronto around it... :p

Now playing

I take on giant building requests. If you want me to build something then just drop a comment here or on the youtube page. Last request was a pirate ship with working cannons (The video I've linked in) with a final build size of over 31,000 blocks. What's next? :)

Now playing

If you aren't sure weather to buy it or not.... do. I was reluctant at first, now my job revolves around it. I recently made this pirate ship with over 31,000 hand placed blocks. :D (Download link is in the video description if you want to play it. :)

Plus its only £19.99 on steam and you get a copy of Sonic 3D blast and Sonic 3 + Knuckles for free too. One of the best deals I've seen in a long time.

"It's like a movie theatre in your hands".

Aaaannnddd the pic of Tim Minchin isn't showing up. :/

Sold mine the instant the price drop was announced, before the stores could react... Got £170 off of the Vita MWAHAHA! :D

The piano minifig... Looks... Familiar...

The fireworks and lava looked amazing! The rest looked... eh, but this game isn't for me and it means that they'll get alot of money and use it on a new full size game. I'm OK with that. I <3 Double fine.

Try the demo version that comes with the full game and see if you like it! If you want sheet music etc then it's totally worth it!

Now playing

Any! If the .mid contains multiple instruments you can single out which one (or ones) you want to play!

It's really rather good! Plus you can download ANY .mid file and play it! So yeah, infinite songs. :D

"If you're looking for something that will mechanically run you through the progressive skills it takes to learn to play something like Nirvana's In Bloom, then get this."

Yeah but left handed people must have come up at some point in some meeting somewhere at the start when they were discussing the controls. Being a lefty isn't a new thing is it? Seems a rookie mistake to make.

Anytime! *Flies off into the sunset*


"So without anything that would make it interesting for an adult player like me."