
Mr Torchinsky pointed out that they are crap cans in the most part however the context should be taken into consideration. The Trabbie, for example, is less of a crapcan than much produced by Detroit in the 90's when you take into account the context.

Nope, all crapcans. Truth hurts.

Given he lives in Jersey, and his age, he should ask his insurance agent what the cheapest car to insure is, and buy that.


I wouldn’t put too much stock in that single functioning seat belt, they are just for looks in a Yugo anyway. Didn’t the crash test results indicate a 25 mph frontal crash was expected to result in death?

I think he did.

I’ve had several cars that were unintentionally theft resistant. It makes your car more difficult to steal when you’re the only one that knows how to make it run.

“Properly” “working” “Yugo”

The website that runs “Nice Price or Crack Pipe” bought a horrible Yugo for $1500.

I think it would be a fascinating Jalopnik piece if you tried to restore it to whatever resembles a properly working Yugo. I estimate that will cost approximately 17 dollars.

Now I’ll admit I know nothing about the Self Service Junkyard landscape of NYC, but here is how you fix such a fine automobile.

The Yugo. A thing of pure amazement.

I like that 90% of your problems can be solved by slamming bits of your car with a chunk of wood.

Something something always buy the best example there is ...

The spare is in the front?

Sweet GTI

$1500? Man, your coworkers got ripped off.

It’s the first I’ve ever encountered to actually have a significant amount of positive camber on the front tires