
It’s about time this was done. People never seem to gravitate to that Goldilocks spot of having enough- not too much, not too little. This whole idea of tiny houses, minimalism, and Kondo-ing life just stresses me out. I have three cats, hobbies, and I gain and lose weight often enough that I need to keep some extra

I hope that Beyonce is completely blissful and that this is exactly how she wants to remember this time. It’s not a look that I like, but if I had that kind of money and were that stunning, I would do whatever made me feel good. My kind of goofy would be less Renaissance and more Victorian.

It must be really exhausting to be a Republican. All that evil must be super tiring to keep up all the time, plus you never know when a party of feckless liars, toadies, and schemers will turn on you. No decent person with a conscience can call themselves a Republican these days. It doesn’t excuse Joe’s behavior, but

What makes the book so interesting is that it’s so hard to pin down. Because it’s a memoir, it focuses mostly on Vance’s family with some insightful cooments (mostly at the end) about “hillbilly” culture. In some ways it’s a takedown of that culture for going against their interests, in other ways it’s about why

You’re way more informed than most people about it. Everyone always thinks that all Ukrainians speak Russian. I studied Ukrainian grad and undergrad, so my language skills were pretty good. Not fluent, but not bad. I lived in Lviv, in the west of the country for awhile where they speak Ukrainian and then in Kyiv,

Sadly, dumbass positions on science are found on both the left and the right. Some of the early anti-vaccine sentiment came from the left.

Sadly, dumbass positions on science are found on both the left and the right. Some of the early anti-vaccine sentiment came from the left.

I lived in Ukraine. It is a fascinating place with a lot of awesome people. You can get affordable, high quality dental care there, but people have more dental issues.

No no no no no!!!!

I have exactly three reactions to news right now- blind rage, crippling despair, and utter bewilderment. The tone of this headline perfectly captures the third feeling. What the fuck is even happening?

I naively thought there would be more to this, or that the headline was some sort of joke. Surely you would not subject us to such things. What did we ever do to you?

Yes! I’m pretty granola and do the whole eco-friendly, cruelty-free, general killjoy thing with my personal care products, but I am very pro-fluoride. A professor and I were once talking dental care and he pointed out that people of the generation now 40 and under generally have better teeth than their parents because

Ugh. David Brooks has John McCain syndrome, in that about half the time he speaks (or writes), he sounds like a really intelligent, reasonable person, but the other half he is cringeworthy and awful.

People are shitty to each other in small, awful ways every day. Laws exist to ensure that we are not sufficiently shitty to each other to cause the most grievous harms.

Thanks! I’m thinking about a few different directions for the future. Two are not big jumps, two really are. I also try to keep in mind that the world is changing so fast that I could wind up in a job that doesn’t exist yet. I’m in my 30s, so I’ve seen how many new career paths have sprung up over the past ten years.

It’s really helpful to keep talking about this. Most of the people around me aren’t as nervous and are sick of hearing me talk about politics and current events. After reading for several years, I joined Jez the day after the election to be a part of the conversation here. There are good, likeminded people here. We

🤔 Okay, you just introduced me to a new thing to worry about. I need to buy a padded bra in case I find myself heading into a situation with many small kids or other factors that require boobage protection. 🙃

That was really well said. I feel the same way and I don’t think there’s anything to be done to calm the feeling of dread. I’m a recovering news junkie and trying to know what’s going on without overdoing my consumption. The hardest part is the uncertainty. My understanding of the world was so shaped by growing up in

I understand completely. Last year I left a declining company with an increasingly toxic environment for a wonderful place. They set reasonable schedules, communicate well, and everything is awesome. Maybe I was permanently damaged by the stress of the last job, but I’m so dissatisfied and bored now. I’m giving myself

The Natori tshirt bra is my favorite.