
I’ve tried most of the Jordan Samuel line and it’s lovely. The face oils have a great texture and are really good for layering with other products. If you like to use different serums and lock them in with an oil, they are great. No essential oils or fragrance. The Etoile with retinol is very gentle, and perfect if

This is a fine kettle of fish for Dutch seafood lovers.

Part of the issue is that you’re in Pittsburgh. I’m a white woman from Pittsburgh and a true explanation of my family of my family takes three hours, two whiteboards, and at least half a bottle of vodka.

I broke down and bought the ceramic fountain awhile back. A few months later, I bought a second one because they are just that awesome. Easy to clean, doesn’t get slimy, and you can order replacement parts for a reasonable price if anything breaks. The filters, which don’t have to be replaced all that often even if

It is beyond gross. And fur is the whole reason why Cruella is an awful, cruel villian, so this was an intellectual failure as well as a moral one.

I didn’t know how much I needed this until I saw it. Fuck this week. I’m going to revel in pumpkin carving, Stranger Things, and apple cider martinis for the next 48 hours.

Usually when I feel schaudenfreud, I try to kick it out of my mind and be a better human. This is not one of those times. In 2017 there is not a whole hell of a lot to feel good about, so I’m just going to lean in on the warm fuzzies I feel because this fuckwit is suffering.

How about a special tax/fee that every coach, gym, and organization working with minor athletes pays? That pays for independent social workers, and possibly doctors, who have to verify the person or establishment as being fit to do this job. If you’re not certified, you can’t work. Make the tax nice and high so some

Can we ever have a good day? Just one good day? I would start a poll or something so we could all guess the next time we have one simple, decent day when nothing horrific happens. I would do that. But since I’m genuinely not sure that will ever happen again, I will not.

I’m so sorry that this happened to you and hope that you and your kids are safe and have the support that you need. You sound like a very good man.

Every one of these articles has left me with questions, but one question in particular comes up every time. Where the fuck are the men? Women are doing all of the parenting here. Not one of the fathers wanted custody of their kids? Not one father would step up or had family that would help?

I have a sudden and overwhelming urge to buy all of the lipstick. I’m mostly in control, but did pick up a matte lip crayon and liner from Bite last week. And I got an Au Naturale creamy lip stain in my Petit Vour box. I want to order the holiday plum lipstick and rose prism gloss from Bite, but I’m holding off. I

I am so sorry this happened to you.

Sally Sparrow is in the top 5 one-off Dr. Who characters ever.

The Hellbent podcast is a feminist take on politics that I love. It complements the Crooked Media stuff well.

The Hellbent podcast is a feminist take on politics that I love. It complements the Crooked Media stuff well.

I am so excited for this! I don’t know that it’s an Atwoodaissance, though. She’s written a ton but had very few tv and film adaptations. She’s been consistent and never went away. We’re really in a Steven Kingaissance, because after so many truly shitty adaptations in the 80s and 90s, people are now trying to made

He mentioned Ronan in another pod and said that they combined a picture of Taylor Swift and Barrack Obama in photoshop as a gag gift for Favreau’s wedding. I remembered it because it sounded so creepy. Working on photoshop collages as a gift for a friend strikes me as being relationship confirmation.

It’s generally seen to be green-washed, but it’s not that bad. Mass produced formulas change all the time. Now it looks like they use a few ingredients, like phenoxyethanol and “fragrance” that purists won’t use, but so do brands that are seen as not being green-washed. I think that when the company was bought out

To my knowlege, everything she’s published is a single series of mysteries. I’m too lazy to Google right now, but you should easily be able to find the order. Some are more stand-alone stories, but the character arcs are so rich that it really is best to read them in order.