
> Star Wars has always been about black and white morality though.

My biggest disappointment with the ST is how JJ nonsensically brought back the same old tired Empire (EVIL) vs Rebels (good!) conflict. How cool would it have been if he *gasp* took a risk and made the New Republic the morally grey power in the galaxy with the “rebels” as a small but obnoxious fragment of the Empire?

> We all wanted more Star Wars, but we got the same once more.

I guess my complaint is, the Skywalker Saga already ended with RotJ. Anakin finally carried out his destiny, the protagonists got happy endings, hooray. No one really needed this epilogue framing of the ST. Let it mirror (not blatantly copy) themes with a different set of characters and conflicts. 

These are all really good points. The distinction between why Vader chose The Dark Side and Kylo’s rationale (there isn’t one) is pretty stark. I’m sure TLJ defenders will just say “but in the OT all you knew about Vader’s motivation was that he had been seduced by the dark side, so why do you care about Kylo’s

Yeah. I agree with your points.

My biggest problem with the Kylo redemption arc was just how nonsensical it was. Rian had Rey spend a whole movie believing in Kylo’s goodness based on...what exactly? One Skype-Force phone call? And that call was all of 48 hours after Kylo had gotten done torturing her and murdered the man she was clearly looking to

I want them to kill Kylo Ren off in this movie. He does not deserve to be redeemed. He had the chance and tossed it away by murdering his father. I want to see him so committed to his evil that Rey just says fuck it and kills him.

“People were asking why Leia couldn’t sense him (especially since she felt Han die) so Luke had to have severed his connection to the Force to make that plot point from TFA work.”

The lightsaber is especially painful to me. Crafting your own saber is supposed to be such an important milestone in becoming a Jedi isn’t it?

It isn’t the fact that Luke died, it’s that Rian turned a Big Damn Hero into a grumpy, mopey old shit and THEN killed him.

Not in this trilogy. The ST should become the prime example of how you don’t do a follow-up. We all wanted more Star Wars, but we got the same once more. I would love to pretend that it was just a new Holiday Special, but nope, that’s it. I’m definitely ready to move on but probably for the wrong reasons. 

This was the lesson I learned in my Computer Science classes in college. Once the data leaves your computer the ISP should be completely indifferent to it. 

Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has promised the bill will be “dead on arrival in the Senate.”

It’s not meaningless symbolism. One chamber passes a bill advocating something overwhelmingly favored by the public, i.e. net neutrality. If the other chamber fails to pass the bill along party lines, slather that failure on their faces at election time, along with the health care, tariffs, and every other issue

Part of this is strategy. Force Bitch McConnoil and his bitchettes to vote against it, and let everyone see how he stands for corporate greed. Sure, there are lots of states where this won’t even budge the needle, but a lot of R Senate seats in purple or even blue states are up for grabs this coming cycle. You can bet

It’s still worth doing, because it provides factual things to campaign on.

This is nice and all, but Bitch McCuckle already saying it’ll be DOA makes me think we should be putting time and resources to revamping the Senate via elections before we try to put through even common sense legislation such as this.

Fight the tyranny of the 10%... Protect the rights of the 1100010%

Don’t forget your volunteering, donating, etc shoes as well.  Politics doesn’t just happen once every 2 (or god forbid 4) years.