
Sigh... There really is not any reason to be so rude.

To be fair, the Jedi were following a prophecy that, while it wasn’t wrong, left out, uhh, a few details. Yes he brought balance to the Force. It just took some years and lives and genocide and planets to get there.

You’re right. I’ve only read/watched countless stories in the universe involving any number of characters, many of whom i would gladly pay to see on the big screen, but I should stick to your narrow definition of what Star Wars is.  Thanks for the tip.

“to rise up against the Skywalkers”

wish they had just gone to a point in time where there was no established canonical events. the old republic or the origins of the jedi and sith would make for a good watch. they wiped the expanded universe clean because they didnt want to be bothered tip-toeing through a maze of lore and upsetting fans, yet they

It’s a mystery to me how anyone can like TLJ. It subverts expectations like that Jedis aren’t wizards who can fly through space. I used to have these expectations like when Luke went to meet Vader he was actually their. Why didn’t he just send a sweet hologram of himself. Much less risk. I used to expect someone would

Yeah but nobody’s main defense of The Force Awakens is that he tried something new. No Rian didn’t, because he walked everything back.

Anakin’s story was a double subversion: He’s the Chosen One but oh wait now he’s evil, everything was wrong but oh wait he comes around and ends up defeating the big bad after all.

im gonna blow your mind here, but some people dont like it. Now some dont like it because they are misogynistic putzes, others dont like it because it was “not great, bob”

this is the same for me, but i also appreciate the prequels more. Can’t do nothing about Clones, but TPM and Revenge both have grown on me over time. 

Damnit! Well, at least my typo wasn’t the letter in between. I don’t think Disney’s out quite that far yet.

Fuck Johnson, I hope JJ throws everything he did in the dumpster where it belongs.

Almost exactly the same story for me until... The Last Jedi. I just came away from that film extremely disappointed and quite sad. Literally all the excitement I had for further SW movies was abruptly drained away. 

Watching TLJ fans defend TLJ and RJ is like watching a battered housewife defend and enable her lush wife beater of a husband. 🙄🤣

The two movies had the opposite problems. XII didn’t have enough ideas and largely aped IV but worse. XIII, like the prequels, had all the ideas with no though to how they’d fit into the narrative either logically or thematically.

I can rewatch the old star wars movies over and over.. I can’t really bring myself to re-watch TLJ... Says a lot for me. Its just too goofy and all over the place in terms of plot. The subverting expectations every other scene was not refreshing, just over-done and done badly (infinity war is a good example of

I’m pretty sure this what Rian Johnson is doing to prep for his Star Wars Trilogy...

I feel that if Rian played ball and just made TLJ without throwing away all the plot lines from TFA then I think I would have given him a free pass with how the film turned out. But, because he wanted to do his own thing and fuck a trilogy up in the second part with no regards to the sequel (his film feels like the

He certainly ACTED like TLJ was the first film in a trilogy and not the second, but here we are.