
On the other hand I kind of agree with the employees in that forced arbitration should not be allowed and in my opinion it should be an option instead.

I guess boots really are that tasty.

He was a very angry man, Harlan Ellison, but to be fair he was surrounded by idiots.

This is legit what to be expected from a regular Joe interaction with high tech interface. They should follow it up with a scene of stern worded email to Tony Stark complaining his over-engineered OS.

I am not sure if this is canon or not but I have read that the LCARs is highly customisable by whoever uses it so they can set up their controls exactly the way they want it. It still looks bloody ugly

I’ve always loved the graphic design in Evangelion, especially things like the tactical map of the city and related status displays. Not just the design itself, but also the implementation, like having elements flip over in 3D space when they change. It gave the visuals a strange physicality, even when they were being

I always thought the computer systems in the mid-1990s series Gundam Wing were cute. There are a few laptops, and they seem to have a window-based layout.

It’s not obvious but each of the lights has a label and assuming each light can change colour to denote system failure, it’s more functional than it looks.

Where’s the override? The override?!

Now playing

Say hello to the only show on TV that made fun of this type of stuff:

LCARS is great preciously because it’s not functional. It’s a interface designed to work on television, not reality.

I’ve always loved the look of the LCARS user interface but the era of big screen high-definition TV’s has given us a much better look at the UI in action and it really doesn’t look very functional.

From a UI perspective, can’t agree more!

In one bold.stroke, Discovrry has been transformed from trek Fandom’s collective pun hinged bag into the show that finally goes where no show has gone before: the far future...further than ever before. 

The 29th century Starfleet says hello (and stop meddling with history!)

While I’ve enjoyed Discovery despite its flaws, the writers have never given me much of a sense they actually _liked_ the Federation, more interested in conflict and war - even during the ostensibly peaceful arc of the Red Angel.

Maybe this is when the Sisko returns.

Am I the only person who thinks they’re coming back by the end of next season? Do you really think they’re go bybass a chance to show a young James T. Kirk? That’s where you really make your money.

The way they handled Discovery’s disappearance was very reminiscent of the Omega Directive episode of Voyager, where we learned Starfleet was researching the ultimate power source around the same time period as Discovery, but classified it into oblivion when it was discovered how dangerous the technology was.

Bombs also went off at luxury hotels, and several police died, so it’s almost certainly not accurate to say “at least 207 Christians were killed.”