
Not sure I understand the criticism; Section 31 built and managed the AI. If it went rogue or something, it’s their responsibility. It’s also not sentient, either, even though it seems to be seeking that. Meaning, like the M-5 computer from the original series, if it is a rogue system, it’s because it’s creators did

Without traveling faster than light speed, she never would have made it there in time for what happens in ST:TNG and how evolved the Borg are — but maybe if some warp-drive vessel discovered her and picked her up, but then again that vessel would have to go to that other galaxy quadrant. And the point of the Borg when

Yeah, if only the team included people who had written for star trek before like Bryan Fuller, or Joe Menosky, or Nicholas Meyer. Hell, even someone like Kirsten Beyer, who wrote Star Trek books, would be great.

I was thinking that too, but the Borg were from a different undiscovered part of the galaxy, so unless the address that or screw up continuity, it wouldn’t make sense that this is the origin of the Borg.

That’s usually my response with regards to Section 31 as well. Yes, they are much more visible and familiar in Discovery than they were in Deep Space Nine, but how much does the average American know about the OSS from World War II? Have they even heard of it? Would they recognise the OSS symbol for what it is, if

First go look at Kirsten Beyer. She has written quite a few Star Trek novels and is heavily involved in the writers room. And second, you need to keep in mind that Star Trek Enterprise went off the air 13 years ago. The other shows even longer. People who wrote on those shows have quite possibly retired, or died in

Yep and they get better with time. Janeway herself reminisce about the “Cowboy Diplomacy” that Kirk and company did in regards to Alpha and Beta quadrant relations, regulations be damned in Flashback, and talked of had they exists in their time there was no way any of them would be anywhere but jail after some of

Also, this whole Control storyline sets up Kirk perfectly.

On the other hand, it’s a chance to let Yeoh just really Yeoh it up, and I’m all for that.

And we kept seeing this quartet of admirals that represent the four founding races of Starfleet, making me assume this is some sort of intentional thing within Starfleet, at least as shown in Discovery. So if there’s a guarantee of a Vulcan at the highest level of the admiralty, who’s to say how much that’s a

That was also over 100 years after the events of this.

And maybe that’s the point, and another reason why Discovery is occasionally hampered by being a prequel to the vast majority of the Star Trek that came before it. Pike and his crew can’t really go toe-to-toe with Section 31, because we know it has to insidiously persist long enough in the shadows that it becomes

She only suggested a war crime, namely planting a bomb on an enemy corpse being retrieved, which is in violation to the 1980 Protocols on Certain Conventional Weapons (Protocol IIb).

This guy was a goddamn corporal in WWI:

  • On a similar note: how does a Logic Extremist like Patar, who hates the potential presence of humans in Vulcan society, ascend to the highest ranks of Starfleet!? Especially considering it was an open secret enough that Cornwell knew of it.

The current consensus on reddit seems to be that the people in charge at Bioware share your feelings about the loot. However, it’s a totally inaccurate way to look at the loot in Anthem.

The thing is, I’m not sure whose fault this is, Bioware or EA. I’m guessing EA. But every game they’ve produced since Dragon Age Inquisition has left me cold. Inquisition felt like an mmo I couldn’t play with my friends, Andromeda was the same but with a terrible story and crafting system, and Anthem was such a mess

It’s a little bit of schadenfreude for me. I love Bioware, specifically the Mass Effect series. I even enjoyed Andromeda despite it being a hot mess. But Andromeda was only the disaster it was because funds and development talent were diverted away from its development on onto Anthem because EA saw it as a potential

I think we need to expand the "don't pre-order games" policy to "don't play live games in the first 6 months". 

How poorly do they understand their own systems that they’ve had to quash this bug TWICE now?