
Lol. I remember back when i was getting into tekken i was like

“do you hit guys on the ground? is that fair/too mean?

Has there ever been a clearer case of “Don’t blame the player, blame the game” ?

it only became literally impossible when he unplugged and huffed away

Someone in Melee is complaining about not being able to wobble is now also complaining about someone using a different playstyle?

So...18 year old game that has never been up-dated for balance or bugs.

“For my part, I find it hard to disagree with traditional fighting game players. Chango played the match beautifully, and forcing your opponent to get up and leave the set using just your gameplay to frustrate them should be a point of pride.”

Final Destination. No items. Fox only.

I mean yeah? This kinda happens in all Smash games. Hell this is basically Puff’s bread and butter. Its annoying but at least unlike wobbling you can chase them down.

Im not an /r/Games mod, but I can more or less answer why their strategies aren’t perfect. There’s 1.7 million subscribers, a major thread will have thousands of comments. Keeping all that under control is a massive effort on its own. Add to that you can ban an account, but not a person. Someone says something racist,

I don’t really think “reclaiming” the word bigot is a worthwhile cause

Basically, this is vindication of the concept that if you don’t actively weed your garden yourself and leave it to (any) others, it will grow into something utterly wreteched unless everyone who tended it was good at it.

Give up on Facebook comment sections. Just stop doing them. 

The overwhelming amount of alt-right weirdos coming out of the woodworks in the last few years has made some places, like GameFAQs, practically unusable. (Which is super impressive when you consider how horrible it’s forums already were as is) 

I once really got into it with someone complaining about Battlefield V that he was the special snowflake.  When I explained that he was the one typing in caps, was offended by the game, and overall throwing a fit, the guy just flipped out even more, which was hilarious.

This is wonderful. I’m really glad they’ve decided to take a clear and unambiguous stand. I’m entirely sure there will be a good amount of anger about this, but that feels a lot like the trash deciding to take itself out.

I think it’s a bit optimistic to think that their rage will subside after only one day. These are the same folks that are ‘still’ complaining about the trailer for Battlefield V.

It’s a pretty ingenious move. The people who are most pissed off and inclined to misbehave can’t do anything about it all day, after which their impotent rage at “SJWs” will have subsided like a goldfish taking another lap around its bowl.

I mean you’re not wrong.

To turn this into a splinter article. This is another reason why America needs Single Payer Health Care.