
The main point I can’t get behind in this article is the assumption that there was some kind of organized push to downvote this movie or post negative comments about it. There was no such organized anything. It was an organic response from individuals. I know of no one person who was calling for any kind of action

Less we forget about fake positives reviews too but it seems we don’t want to talk about because that’s not the narrative

Way to dismiss any possible objections - call everyone a dipshit.

Trolling aside though, its only getting average review from main stream film critics too, in the 2/3 out of 5 star range.

It’s cute when people use the “anybody who gives this negative reviews” argument.

We’re not that dumb that we can’t spot a legitimate negative review from some jackass trying to show the “SJWs” what’s what.

20 years ago, nobody would have cared if they made a film staring a female protagonist and focusing on women in

Reputable sources like CNN? Lol. 

I wonder how much they paid Youtube to alter search results for them. 

Trolls = people who I disagree with so as an attempt to diminish their viewpoint I unperson them to a label. A tired tactic as old as humans themselves.

Who’d have thought not liking spicy food makes you a gigantic dipshit?

“Trolls” = People who don’t agree with me


I Gave the film 2.5 stars on my RT review (It was an honest review, and I frankly don’t give a shit about what she (Larson) may have said or meant nor do I care about what her detractors say), it never got posted. On a lark, I went and tried again with the same text of the review but with a 4 star and it got posted. I

So... sexist dipshits just because people doesn’t like an average to mediocre movie with a bland as hell lead? What a self-righteous prick.

I have not seen the movie, so I obviously have no grounds for a review.  But I did see the trailers.  And Larson's performance in the trailers I saw was flat as fuck.  She projected all of the ambition and character of a stoned teenager.

I have no idea whether Captain Marvel is good or not—I bet it is great, just like most Marvel films.

First and foremost will you stop with the narrative that RT was allowing users to put out reviews of the movie before it was released. They were not reviews, but a poll of if you wanted to see the movie or not and why not plain and simple. You and other bloggers on this site continuing with that false negative just

“the YouTube algorithm prioritized authoritative and reputable sources as the top results—Entertainment Tonight, ABC, CBS, CNN, and the like.” 

“sexist dipshits”. wow such professional journalism.  

Trolls? It has an audience score of 52% obviously not all of it was trolls. It's an average movie. With a man hating female lead. Its cool

Rian Johnson, The Last Jedi director who knows unfortunately all too well the effects of concerted efforts from some of the worst people on the internet...”