
Who knows.  They could go a million different directions.  As long as the “Future Enemy” isn’t the Borg, I think we will be okay.

FLOUTING the rules, not “flaunting”. Yeesh, can we hire some English majors up in here?

My one concern with the use of Airiam in all this is that prior to this moment, she has been such a cypher that her corruption by the Time Squids doesn’t have the emotional impact that it really should. She isn’t just some redshirt, but at the same time we know NOTHING about her. Most of the time I just call her Robot

That GIF!

I have to give them props for the accurate representation of a black hole which was first seen in “Interstellar”. For those who don’t know, the science advisor on Interstellar (Kipp Thorne) used Einstein’s Field Equations to accurately model how the accretion disk’s light would curve around the black hole. So it’s

I actually really dug the cut-out effect as well, echoing as it did the point in The Cage where the view of Pike and Vina pulls out into a cut-out being viewed by the Talosians. I’m really loving how Disco is celebrating the old design when they need to instead of running away from it. I’m sure it’s such a tough edge

Maybe it’s me, but I much prefer the idea of Star Trek being an ensemble show. There are too many other interesting bit players on the bridge to focus so much on Burnham. And if they do the whole she’s the red angel thing ON TOP of her being the lynchpin in the Klingon war? Seems too much to me. 

Yeah, I disagree with some other’s take on this scene for this very reason.

The probe IS future Control, right?

They seemed to have swapped sides this season. AVClub was much more positive on Season 1 than Trendacosta was here.

I’ve just recently become aware that the reviews found on io9 and AVClub are pretty much always polar opposites.

It’s always been a delight to see Discovery’s prosthetic and makeup teams interpret classic Trek aliens

You should read the reviews at AVClub, they’re basically like that post.....

So it seems that FutureProbe faction is feeding intel to Section 31 - likely just so their interference impedes the Red Angel’s pieces on the board. But, still, I wonder if that ‘compromising’ of 31 is what will lead to them ending up back, fully, in the shadows. 

My favorite scene was Culber and Tyler’s fight in the cafeteria. You have two characters that are grappling with mind/body disconnect and really can probably never reconcile their past. In fighting they both realize they are experiencing the same problem. I can now actually see these two becoming close allies due to

Honestly, the HD footage from TOS would have been just as jarring in relation to Discovery due to the artistic decision during the remastering for making the original show still look crappy in comparison to modern effects (certainly more polished than the archival film, but still maintaining an aesthetic designed to

“and now the hurt of it is something that can ever really go disappear”

Oooh look another Trollville needing attention.

The Borg had long existed long before Discovery’s time.

It was pre established in Voyager that the Borg originated in the Delta quadrant centuries ago