
It’s quite possible, but there are extreme, extreme fans out there for everything who cross remarkably disturbing boundaries. I could see this happening, particilarly in a case where she’s been vilified by his earlier children and other big fans. I wouldn’t be surprised if it were a bit of both.

I don’t think one can assess any kind of mental decline based on a single news article. And your pointing out that Gail has good reason to be wary is much appreciated.

Although I’ve come back to add that I kind of bristle at the idea that if there is a seventh game, it was entirely invented as D&D. If you want to call this a seventh kind of game, then it’s the same kind of game that the Brontës (yes, those Brontës) were playing when they created Angria and Glass Town.

It seems like she is having mental health issues, but that doesn’t mean most or all of what she’s saying is happening isn’t true. Considering her neighbor found a FUCKING TRIP WIRE in front of her door it sounds like she is mostly sound of mind. Also we are just on the internet, we’re not evaluating her as doctors.

This is all very weird, and very sad. I’d love to hear his kids’ side of everything, if they ever change their minds about going on the record.

Good article, though sad... Either Gail is becoming paranoid and delusional, or she’s been continually victimized since Gary’s death. Either way, my heart aches for her.

Kind of scary to think that these guys who condemn Gail as a woman involved in a space they see as for men were a kind of proto-GamerGate.

Cecilia, you are undoubtedly the best working games journalist out there.  

This kind of belies a misunderstanding of the problem.

Chalk another win up for “This is only a good idea if you are already dying from something worse.”.....

Song/book phrases are the next thing that are going to be cracked. The repository are easily found from internet, and it’s quite easy to dump them into machine learning.

Song phrases are not good passwords. They might appear to be, because of the length, but modern password crackers incorporate large volumes of cultural phrases (including things like song lyrics).

Whatever show is in the top flight/flagship tranche it’s like io9 has to have someone on staff to crap all over every possible negative angle. The sheer consistency of this experience, like some lazy-reactive knee jerk reflex to push back against the prevailing fandom, happen like clockwork.

This thing that io9 does is

So let me get this straight, the same website that complained about Discovery s1 being too dark even though the show SET OUT to do so, is now complaining about what the one episode the original fans would have liked? wow.. can’t win with the idiotic writers on here.

Honestly, I would be okay if they somehow connected this Red Angel thing to that dropped Enterprise plot arc.  It would be interesting to see a direct connection between Enterprise, Discovery and the TNG era.  

It’s amazing anyone knew what they should like before social media dimwits? Is your own popularity so important to you that you need to try to destroy other peoples enjoyment? Critics like you are the bane of creativity. This is a season long journey and you’d kill the story before it’s concluded and it’s only then we

so about this:

Oooh, I like that thought. The death penalty always seemed like an overly strong response to the what happened in The Cage, so hopefully whatever happens next week on DSC will create better context for that order.

I get the feeling the only way you’d like the show is if you wrote it yourself. You seem to complain that things aren’t panning out how you’d like. I rather thought it was great episode myself.

It’s worked great so far”