
That was my first thought but they were trying to simulate seabed conditions here, not atmospheric conditions. This wouldn’t have had the electrostatic discharge to simulate lightning that the Miller-Urey experiment had either. 

Gizmodo is too stupid to understand the difference between a ‘not interested’ button and ‘trolling’. Even though it was NEVER considered ‘trolling’ any of the BILLIONS of other times when all of the MILLIONS of rotten tomatoes’ users clicked ‘not interested’ on all of the MILLIONS of other movies on rotten tomatoes

Really? That’s not a good answer.

The idea was to design collaboration and socialization into the gameplay. Neither version has every Pokemon so in order to catch them all you have to do some trading with people who have the other version. But it’s kept going mainly because it means they get to sell two (and sometimes three) games for the development

Slightly different rosters of selectable Pokemon. It’s meant to encourage the trading aspect of the game, as one version alone is unable to Catch ‘Em All without trading.


A new poll has been created over at It’s down on the right hand side. If you’re on mobile, you’ll have to scroll down quite some way, but it’s there... Make sure to tell anyone who thinks trolls were to blame for the last poll’s results, to add their vote.

The dislike of The Last Jedi had way more to do with the fact that it was an awful movie and a complete piece of crap than anything regarding it’s female lead. Black Panther was a great movie, but it got way too politicized because of its all black cast. Think of how badly things would have gone if Black Panther had

You make it sound like this is some kind of battle of the sexes when I don’t think it’s true. If that were the case Alita would have gone through the same thing. This on the other hand is about a bunch of people from both genders that didn’t like the comments she made.

Why are we to assume that because people are disapproving of what they have seen of this movie so far they’re automatically trolls? Why does this automatically have to be “the greatest superhero movie ever” because the main character is female? I’d hate to say it but from all the scenes I’ve seen so far, Brie Larson’s

This is so dumb that it’s getting bad reviews before being released.

Rotten Tomatoes is also removing the “Want To See” rating on movies’ pages before they’re in theaters, saying people often incorrectly assume that percentage is the same thing as ratings from people who’ve actually seen the film.

I’m all for battling sexist trolls but, what’s the point of this? All you’re doing is forcing them to wait a few weeks before attacking the fan rating. Unless you have some sort of system in place to find and remove troll ratings, you’re not solving the problem, just delaying it.

Funny how they didn’t care when the same thing happened to every DC movie.

So they disabled the “want to see?” poll because.... a lot of people don’t want to see it? This isn’t a review bomb, it’s an opinion poll. How are you “more accurately reflecting the voice of fans” through censorship?

If this comment surfaces I'll be surprised. Trolls trolls! No it's not trolls it's how many people want to see. Rotten tomatoes removed I Want to see not a review!

Guess the mouse has them by the balls. This isn’t about trolling it is about $$$. 

Assume their not all angry young men and perhaps you’ll get a better picture. I’m seeing a lot of female comments out there and only here is it focused on gender shit.

Funny it took till a MCU film was turned on before RT did anything.