
Best not to feed the troll.  :)

Season 1 has been available on Bluray for months.  One assumes that Season 2 will be available by the end of the year.  And its on Neflix everywhere but the US and Canada.

venomous darts are also quite widespread among amphibians and fishes...

It could be a nod to continuity. Kirk makes a reference to it as General Order One in “The Magicks of Megas-Tu”. That, or in this time period, they could be all about quoting chapter and verse. I mean, even Saavik was doing it incessantly (yes, she’s still a bit green and a Vulcan, but even Spock got down on that

FWIW, I didn’t read your comment as critical, but rather saw it as kind of poignant, as if the article spurred a memory you though would be relevant to the article.  Thanks for sharing it.  That sounds like Marion Barry DC politics, so I’m not at all surprised...they probably just hired old Barry cronies and figured

And I’ll also skip past the Nazi reference since that seems a demon you are exorcising from some other conversation.”

Probably money?

I understand how it might be challenging for you to read anything without pictures to color above the words but trust me you will grow from the experience. Good luck to you, message me for help with any of the words above two syllables.

Company that specializes in astroturf is behind the fake comments supporting repealing Net Neutrality. They, Ajit Pai, and everyone else isn’t answering any questions. Gizmodo geeks were clever.

Sorry, didn’t mean to be critical of your work - I guess I was somewhat miffed at the missed opportunity for the investigators. Trying to get people to care about Net Neutrality and identify theft is hard enough... start throwing around “Grave Robbers” and you’ll pique the interest in plenty of people, right?

My dad died six years before his comment in support of ending Net Neutrality showed up on the FCC’s site. I suppose it’s easier to work with people who are still alive to attest to the theft of their identity but I still find it a little incredulous that we never seem to see anything about robbing graves for

Hi Ajit. What’s up your ass?

The real question here is still to be answered: When will some noble soul make everyone a favor and punch Ajit Pai in the face? Preferably, someone with a heavy hand and good technique to cave that fucking nose in.

Yet somehow Mazzella and Williams won’t even suffer a scratch in their reputation- let alone real penalties.

These kinds of acts of deliberate manipulation, coercion, or misrepresentation at a federal level should come with the possibility of criminal forfeiture of citizenship. After all, aren’t these the same people saying they’d “Rather be Russian than a Democrat” to the rest of America? To which I would say, “Fine by me.

I’m convinced that about 85%-90% of conservative rejection of climate change is because liberals accept it. It’s just motivated by contrarianism and spite.

It means that someone who your uncle trusts lied to him, and he would rather repeat that lie than accept that that someone lied to him.

Fortunately, you are 100% wrong. Both Sidesism is o-v-e-r. This is war and one side will come out of this victorious and the other side will disappear. We intend to win.

This was hilarious satire. Do you write professionally?