
Star Wars Episode IX: Skywalker. Luke Skywalker is so powerful he returns. At least that is the problem JJ has had to solve thanks to the Last Jedi.

Fun is ‘nuf spelled backwards.

They just seem to have made a video version of a meme that was going around on /r/prequelmemes recently, to be honest.

Sometimes I wonder why i09 collapsed. Then i09 turns up with a featured article and I’m like “Oh yeah, that’s why.”

...or the balance of Disney’s bank account.

Is the fun that’s going to begin a ghost party? ‘Cos everyone in that video is dead.

Unsure if I should be proud, embarrassed or a mix of both that with out even clicking the clip, from the screen grab alone I knew what the line was gonna be

Star Wars: Can’t Be Worse Than The Last Jedi

9Star 9Wars: Fate of the Forcin9

It’s the 20th anniversary of the Phantom Menace and Hasbro is releasing a whole slew of “reprinted” action figures from the original 1977 line, as well as a couple reissues from TPM.

That is where the fun once was. Disney© destroyed the Star Wars© Franchise the moment they signed ownership.

Star Wars still has fans after being pounded into submission by Disney’s absolute lack of grasp for two films?

I got a bad feeling about this.

I’m hoping for:

So which fans are freaking out?

Why does it repeat this same clip seven (yes, I counted) times?

I’ve got a bad feeling about this

STAR WARS: EPISODE IX - The Search For More Money

Disneyland related?

Star Wars Episode IX: The Failure of the Merchandise