
People were suggesting something similar last season, when they were able to seed a planet with spores that grew extremely quickly to use as “fuel.”

Exactly! Maybe a treaty with the Mycelians kept the Genesis team from using the spores, so David improvised.

We also got the hint of the reason why the TOS Episode ‘Arena’ occured. Section 31 was on Cestus III now. Did they set up a listening post to keep tabs on the Gorn? Was Commodore Travers overseeing a P’Jem style spy post?

Essentially this is the organic version of Scotty being trapped in a transporter pattern buffer for 75 years.

That’s right, folks, it’s the obligatory ‘Orville is better than Disco’ thread.

Do you also get frustrated by genre shows when they don’t defeat the ‘Big Bad’ villain of the season before the finale?

Protomatter could be the imperfect solution to the re-ordering that the spores do in the mycelial network.....

tHe OrViLlE iS tEn TiMeS tHe StAr TrEk ThAt DiScOvErY iS.”

im so sick of comments like yours in all Disco articles.....we get it please leave, we dont need stupid Orville dumb spam, goodbye

No it’s not. Anyone who says that doesn’t know Star Trek. They just know a few episodes of The Next Generation. Anyone that’s seen TOS, TAS, TNG, DS9, Voyager, and Enterprise knows that Discover is very much a Trek show.

Many shows have had many episodes which run over an hour and this has been happening for decades. Not to mention that Discovery is on a streaming service. People can watch it any time they want to and do not have to watch it the moment it is available if might conflict with any other show they are watching..

I feel like The Orville, when it tries, sometimes is able to be the sort of moral commentary type show that TNG was. But then it does ridiculous shit like the whole Bortas is addicted to porn episode. Or grows a mustache. The attempts at commentary are so on-the-nose and un-subtle, and there’s just way too much time

For me, this was the first A+ episode of Discovery. As others have pointed out, classic Star Trek was never afraid to stretch suspension of disbelief all the time to make the characters shine. The ‘huh?’ factor in Star Trek III’s resurrection plotline was totally worth it to see just how much Kirk loves Spock -

Oooo, me like

That...could make a strange bit of sense.

I won’t be surprised if it turns out Stamets knows a certain blonde scientist.

I’m soooo glad I’m not the only one who senses a strong connection between Stamets and David Marcus. Both men are (were!) recklessly devoted to their work. (It’s a bit ominous, yes)

While I was watching the episode last night, it occurred to me that we might be seeing the background for the Genesis Project. I’m not completely sure yet how they’ll bridge the technological gap between the Mycelial network and the Genesis Device, but I can’t shake the feeling this’ll all connect to Genesis by

I’m pretty sure Wilson Cruz and Anthony Rapp would share your outrage if any aspect of it were true. Instead, they’ve been coy - in interviews and multiple appearances on After Trek.

I’m sorry - people watch Star Trek for science?